Comprehending the Principle of the Future

The 300 powerful spacetime crystals was a considerable number.

In particular, Lin Feng would use these 300 powerful spacetime crystals to comprehend the principle of spacetime for himself. That would be even more incredible.

As Lin Feng used the powerful spacetime crystals one after another almost continuously, Lin Feng fell into that feeling of being immersed in the flow of spacetime again.

There was actually no distinction between the past, present, and future. They were one.

Many intermittent images appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

Some were memories of the past, but some did not quite seem like it.

Some of them seemed like fragments of the future, but there were infinite possibilities in the future. Were these scenes really fragments of the future?

Lin Feng did not know. He could barely think now, and his consciousness was immersed in spacetime.