Special Guest

The spacetime prison!

Lin Feng used the spacetime prison again. However, this time, it was different from before. Previously, Lin Feng was trying to stop the Taotie King. Now, Lin Feng was prepared to suppress the Taotie King while it was injured.

As the spacetime prison descended, the Taotie King seemed to have sensed danger as well. It growled angrily and tried to resist the spacetime prison.

Unfortunately, at this moment, even if the Taotie King wanted to devour, it did not have much power left.


As Lin Feng's spacetime prison descended, the Taotie King could not resist at all and was directly suppressed by the spacetime prison. Lin Feng did not even need to use the power of other peak Origin supreme treasures.

This time, it was unprecedentedly easy. It was even easier than suppressing the Hydra.

"Have you succeeded?"

"The Chaos Master suppressed the Taotie King just like that?"