Annihilating Thirteen Spacetime Cultivators!


The West Wing Master watched this scene in a daze, speechless.

Death seemed very distant to spacetime cultivators like them. It was almost an exceedingly far-fetched thing. They had never thought that they would die so easily.

At worst, they would be defeated and stay in the timeline for a long time, waiting for a Spacetime Heart to be nurtured. Then, they could enter other timelines again.

But now, someone had died, and it was a spacetime cultivator who had controlled at least ten timelines.

Who could kill a spacetime cultivator who had controlled timelines?

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "You're too fragile. You think that just because you've controlled timelines, you can act unrestrained, as if you're invincible. No one can kill you. But look at how fragile you are now."

Lin Feng waved his hand, and a few more spacetime cultivators were reduced to ashes. Suppressed by the spacetime prison, they could not resist at all.