Chapter 17: The Examiner Has No Shame

The way Kong Wu's carriage had toppled over caught everyone present by surprise.

Even Li Jing himself had not expected it.

Were it not for witnessing Kong Wu face-planting and twitching occasionally, Li Jing would have suspected that the older man was intentionally acting silly.

The Palm Thunder skill he had just used had nearly reached its maximum level of containment on Spiritual Power.

With Kong Wu, a cultivator of the Three Realm, falling over upon contact, what else could it be if not him acting up?

Just that the way Kong Wu laid twitching on the ground seemed incredibly authentic, unlike an act.

Li Jing quickly analyzed the situation and came to a conclusion.

Kong Wu had hardly put up any defense.

Simply put.

Kong Wu, thinking highly of his cultivation level, did not regard any of the candidates, including Li Jing himself, as threats.

While Li Jing could think of this, so could the others.

Watching Kong Wu twitching on the ground, the crowd couldn't help feeling a little schadenfreude.

In front of the Three Realm, the Second Realm indeed wasn't worth much.

The gap between the major realms was as vast as a chasm.

But who likes to be looked down upon?

Lu Yangcheng, who had been "scared" beforehand, openly laughed.

Kong Wu commented on his six Room-Entering level spells as being worthless for examination, wasn't that infuriating?

If it weren't for the fact that he was no match for Kong Wu, he would have leapt up in anger long ago.

Now that Kong Wu had fallen into the ditch, he had to gloat a bit.

Yi Xiuzhu, who was always a bit unorthodox, didn't laugh surreptitiously, but instead looked at Li Jing with renewed interest.

At this time, Li Jing didn't care about the other people.

Looking down on his enemy was Kong Wu's mistake.

But the man was an examiner after all!

He'd knocked down the examiner, shouldn't he have a survival instinct?

Just as he was about to help Kong Wu up, the man on the ground suddenly stopped twitching, frowned, and slowly lifted his head.

Seeing this, Li Jing felt a chill in his heart and let out a dry laugh.

"Examiner Kong, are you okay?"


Kong Wu moved his lips, got up as if nothing had happened, and indifferently said,

"What could happen to me? Do you really think you could hurt me? I was just scaring you."

While saying so, Kong Wu casually glanced at Li Jing.

Just as Li Jing and the candidates present had predicted.

He had indeed hardly put up any defense.

Kong Wu wasn't Li Jing, he didn't have a status bar.

There was a distinction between active and passive in the magic skills he studied.

Although his defensive spells were also always in effect, they only operated at the lowest level, far from the peak stage.

However, it has to be said,

Kong Wu was careless because he had the luxury to be.

Being in the Three Realm, even if he wasn't alert, an average Second Realm cultivator wouldn't be able to break his defense.

The gap between major realms was like a chasm.

However, just now.

Li Jing had given him a hard slap in the face, easily breaking his defense.

Although it didn't hurt much, it was enough to knock him down.

This could imply that Li Jing had hidden his abilities very well.

Purely based on Room-Entering level's Palm Thunder, it was impossible to break his defense so easily.

Kong Wu was very curious about what Li Jing had done.

He wanted to ask, but felt embarrassed to do so.

First, it involved privacy.

Second, he had lost face in the matter.

If this were to get out, he'd likely become the butt of jokes in the Assistant Inspector Department overnight.

Watching Kong Wu shamelessly claiming that he was just scaring Li Jing, the candidates in the field could not help but mutter that he had no shame, yet no one dared to voice their thoughts.

There was no other way.

Who made him the examiner?

Li Jing himself was also very sensible and pretended to understand, saying,

"So, Examiner Kong was joking with me, you scared me! I thought....."

He didn't finish the sentence.

Seeing him stop without completing, Kong Wu was quite satisfied.

This young man is quite sensible, isn't he?

Grinding his teeth secretly, Kong Wu said,

"You're good, you've given me a big surprise. You've passed the practical examination, go and wait to the side."


Li Jing nodded quickly and retreated back into the crowd.

On the other side, Kong Wu casually dusted off the dirt on his clothes, pretending to be calm.

"Let's continue the examination. I'll get serious now, you better bring out your real skills."

Hearing this, the candidates present couldn't help but curse Kong Wu in their hearts once more for his shamelessness.

Anyone with discernment could see what he really meant.

Kong Wu's seemingly heedless words were actually meant to ramp up the difficulty of the exam, a way of taking out his anger on them!


Kong Wu's exam was the same as usual, straightforward and brutal.

The shoes, indeed, were for the candidates to put on.

A casual slash turned into a slash imbued with Spiritual Qi.

It needed a full-strength defense spell to fend off, not to mention it was painful after being slashed.

Of course.

Kong Wu was merciful in his moves.

The force he used depended on the type and proficiency of the defense spell registered by the candidates.

If someone had thick skin, he would use more force.

If someone was thin-skinned, he would be gentle.

The purpose was just the exhilaration of beating people.

Regarding this, the candidates were angry but did not dare to voice their complaints.

They could only muster all their strength to counterattack Kong Wu when they were examined on their attack methods.

However, not everyone had a chance.

Kong Wu didn't give a chance to anyone below entry level.

Only those with attack skills above the low-accomplishment level could fight back.

But that was all.

Having the experience of capsize in the gutter, why would Kong Wu relax?

No matter what kind of attack method it was, it was dissipated by the defense spell he learned before it even got to him.


More than an hour later, the practical exam ended.

Apart from Lu Yangcheng, Yi Xiuzhu, and Li Jing, who were the first to be examined, basically, all the candidates on the scene were abused by Kong Wu.

The candidates complained a lot.

But at the end of the practical exam, no one cared about these things.

Because Kong Wu was about to decide who could stay as an Assistant Inspector based on the results of the written test and practical exam, and who had to leave dejectedly.

The open space was completely silent.

After viciously beating up the candidates and feeling refreshed, Kong Wu reviewed the results of the written test displayed on his tablet, then raised his eyes to scan everyone on the scene.

"The power of you guys in this batch of seedlings is not bad, and it can be seen that you have worked hard on the written test part."

Kong Wu began to speak.

"Six people failed the written test without considering the practical skills. But you are lucky, some of the graduates who had completed their internships in the Assistant Inspector Department just left a while ago, and the next batch won't come until three months later. Today I can make an exception and let you all stay."

Having said that, he continued.

"I guess you all know why I made this exception. Yesterday, there were frequent monster incidents in the North City area, and the Assistant Inspector Department is under great pressure and urgently needs manpower. In the following days, you need to adapt as quickly as possible and be prepared to encounter monsters at any time. We, the Assistant Inspector Department, do not need to face the monsters directly, but if we do encounter them, we can only count on ourselves for survival."

Hearing that no one needed to leave, the candidates all breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the monsters, no one there seemed afraid.

If they were really afraid, they wouldn't have tried their luck and come to the Assistant Inspector Department for the exam.

Seeing that no one on the scene was shaken, Kong Wu spoke again.

"Those whose names I call out stay, and the others go directly to the recruitment window in the hall to find Assistant Inspector Chu Hanyan; she will arrange posts for you."

When he finished saying this, Kong Wu began to call out names.

"Lu Yangcheng."

"Yi Xiuzhu."

"Li Jing."

"Deng Ying."


Eventually, Kong Wu called out nine names and then stopped talking.

The ones he called out were all people who had practiced the Sky Control and Wind Control skills and had reached the level of little accomplishment.

The candidates then figured it out.

Those who were called out and allowed to stay were people who would join the special establishment.

Those who were not called out, left on their own.

When all the other candidates had left, Kong Wu looked at Li Jing and the others who had stayed and said.

"Assistant Inspector Chu should have mentioned the matter of the special establishment when you filled out the form. I will explain it to you in detail here. Because of the frequent occurrence of monster incidents, the patrol bureau is under high pressure for patrol defense, and we need to deploy a group of people from the this Department to form a patrol team for regular aerial patrol."

"The patrol team currently has about seventy people, divided into eight small groups. With the nine of you, that makes seventy-nine people."

"From now on, the nine of you will be under my control, forming the Patrol Ninth Group. Our group's task is set to patrol at night, starting from tonight."

The people listened to Kong Wu's explanation, their expressions varied.

Among them, Li Jing was quite troubled.

Kong Wu, without any doubt, is a quirk.

The problem is, this elder brother also holds grudges.

How uncomfortable it would be to mix with Kong Wu?

Ominously, he was the only one on the scene who had offended Kong Wu.

As if knowing what Li Jing was thinking at the moment, Kong Wu smiled at him in a "friendly" manner.

"Li Jing, it seems you have a big objection to following me? It's okay to have objections, you can say them out."


Li Jing.

He didn't expect to be put in a difficult position so soon.

Just when he didn't know what to say, Kong Wu said again.

"Let me be straightforward: your written exam score is sixty, and normally, at least seventy-five is needed to pass the written test. Considering the extra points for joining the special establishment, you just barely pass. If you don't want to join the patrol team, the extra points would not count."