Chapter 18: Worrisome Path for the Trio


Li Jing coughs.

For the written exam, he was quite confident.

Who knew that he didn't even reach the passing line and only barely passed by relying on bonus points.

What can he say?


Standing tall, Li Jing said.

"Examiner Kong, oh no! Officer! I feel very honored to follow a Three Realm strong like you. I would like to join the patrol team, and I ask for your care in the future."

Meeting someone's desperate plea for survival, Kong Wu's face brightens with a smile.

"Of course, I'll take care of you. After all, among the group of candidates today, you are the one I'm most satisfied with."

Tears rolled down Li Jing's face.

What does he mean by most satisfied?

Clearly, this guy holds a grudge!

Seeing Li Jing devastatingly "taken care of," the others who were present kept their eyes and minds to themselves.

As the saying goes.

Your friend can die, but I shall not.

Following someone as troublesome as Kong Wu, things definitely aren't going to be easy.

Having Li Jing to take the hit is better than anything.

After Kong Wu had kindly "exchanged" with Li Jing, he didn't press on. He looked at everyone and said,

"Since no one here has any objections, I take it you all wish to join Patrol Ninth Group then. The patrol task is divided into teams of three, and it's up to you all to decide your own groupings."

Hearing that each team will be further divided into groups of three, everyone looked at each other and tacitly distanced themselves from Li Jing.

But one person was an exception.

Yi Xiuzhu went to Li Jing's side without hesitation.

"Brother Li, I'm in a group with you."


Li Jing.

This "Brother Li" made him feel flattered.

However, facing Yi Xiuzhu, all he wanted to say was "please don't come over."

Among the people who came to take the examination today, Yi Xiuzhu was the most abnormal.

If there is a choice.

Li Jing would definitely not choose Yi Xiuzhu.

This guy who would pull out his flying sword and slash his own neck the moment something went wrong, who knows how he deals with everyday situations.

Moreover, Li Jing has noticed.

Ever since he stunned Kong Wu with his lightning move, the way Yi Xiuzhu looked at him became very strange, making him uncomfortable.

Forcibly squeezed out a slight smile, Li Jing said.

"You can spare the 'Brother Li,' just call me Li Jing."


Yi Xiuzhu nodded.

Seeing Yi Xiuzhu go up to Li Jing like we are buddies, the remaining people quickly formed their own groups.

Each team has to be made up of three people.

Yi Xiuzhu and Li Jing.

One abnormal, another would be taken care of especially by Kong Wu.

The two of them together were like two peas in a pod!

There is still one person missing in the group, who would want to join them?

Naturally, Lu Yangcheng was left alone.


Lu Yangcheng.

Seeing his colleagues forming two groups of three, he twitched at the corner of his mouth and quietly walked over to Li Jing and Yi Xiuzhu.

"You two, I'll join you."

Yi Xiuzhu wasn't too keen on Lu Yangcheng.

Given that they were to act as a team, he begrudgingly nodded his approval.

Seeing Lu Yangcheng join them reluctantly, Li Jing couldn't help but laugh and cry.

He wasn't exactly surprised that Lu Yangcheng was left out.

In the nine people picked by Kong Wu, Lu Yangcheng was the only one with entry-level attack magic skills.

Given the premise that they had choices, nobody would choose him.

An entry-level attack magic skill, the power of which was almost negligible, could at most only be used to bluff people.

Thinking that at least this guy was normal, Li Jing subconsciously wanted to greet him.

Before he could speak, Kong Wu looked over.

"Li Jing, you will temporarily act as the team leader for your group. Yi Xiuzhu doesn't have much of a problem, but Lu Yangcheng, you need to put up with it a bit more."


Li Jing turned his head.


Yi Xiuzhu also turned his head.


Lu Yangcheng knitted his brows.

Meeting the three people's gaze, Kong Wu said nonchalantly.

"Li Jing, your written test barely passed with the additional points added, and Lu Yangcheng was one of the six who failed the written test as I mentioned, moreover, he scored the lowest- five points."


Li Jing turned disbelievingly to look at Lu Yangcheng.

Five points?

Are you serious?

TM they were all multiple-choice questions, even if he guessed he wouldn't only get five points, right?

Yi Xiuzhu beside him also looked at Lu Yangcheng strangely.

Lu Yangcheng, faced with public humiliation, went pale, and said sheepishly.

"Don't look at me like that, you two. I'm just having an off day. Normally, passing the mark would not be a problem for me."


Li Jing was speechless.

He thought it was necessary to retract his previous assessment of Lu Yangcheng.

This guy isn't normal either.

Five marks in the written examination!

This guy came to take the test without making any preparation!

Li Jing couldn't understand.

Why did Kong Wu let him stay?

It's true that the threshold for the Assistant Inspector Department is low, but it's still a part of the system.

He doesn't even understand the Basic Laws. How could that work?

The members of the other two groups looked at Lu Yangcheng with both relief and confusion, glad that they didn't choose to pair with him.

At this moment, Kong Wu spoke.

"Don't think that just because you can stay today, you can do whatever you want in the Assistant Inspector Department. The department conducts a monthly assessment for new recruits, with Basic Laws assessment being the most important part, and it's much more difficult than today's examination paper. Anyone who fails the internal assessment will be kicked out. There is no exception."

After he finished speaking, he continued.

"I won't disclose the results of everyone's written examination. What I can tell you is that if you don't study various types of Basic Laws thoroughly, including those who have already reported to Chu's Assistant Inspector, I'm afraid none of you will pass the New Recruit Internal Assessment at the end of the month."

Upon hearing this, everyone in the room felt a sense of urgency.

Among these opportunists, no one dares to say they have thoroughly studied the Basic Laws.

As Kong Wu said,

Today's examination is just an "appetizer".

The real focus is the New Recruit Internal Assessment at the end of the month.

Failure to pass that means having to pack up and leave.

Seeing everyone's faces change color, Kong Wu smirked with a sense of schadenfreude.

"Anyway, work hard this month, I will not elaborate more here. Gather here at ten o'clock tonight, then I will assign you specific patrol duties, and distribute ID cards, uniforms, and Standard Equipment."


A few minutes later.

Li Jing, Yi Xiuzhu, and Lu Yangcheng left the Assistant Inspector's compound together.

Just stepping out of the door, Lu Yangcheng looked at the two.

"It's lunch time, how about we grab something to eat together? My treat."

"Forget about lunch, let's see if you can stay after the test at the end of the month."

Yi Xiuzhu replied coldly and looked towards Li Jing.

"I am going back to rest now, see you at ten tonight."

After saying this, he directly walked to the roadside, hailed a taxi, got in and left.

Seeing that Yi Xiuzhu was reluctant to interact with him further, Lu Yangcheng's face darkened a little, but he didn't hold a grudge.

"What do you say, Brother Li?"


Li Jing's mouth twitched slightly.

Being called "Brother Li," he was already used to it.

Who asked his name to be Li Jing?

Whether before or after the crossing, most of his acquaintances called him this way.

But he just met Lu Yangcheng, didn't he?

Looking at Lu Yangcheng, and then at the direction where Yi Xiuzhu took a taxi to leave, Li Jing felt a great pressure.

Ignoring the new recruit assessment, this team of three seems a little bit problematic, with a worrisome future ahead.

With a sigh, Li Jing casually replied.

"I plan to go back to rest as well, didn't sleep at all last night preparing for today's assessment, need to regain some energy."

"Okay, see you tonight."

Lu Yangcheng agreed, then also waved down a taxi on the side of the road.

Li Jing didn't have the luxury of Yi Xiuzhu or Lu Yangcheng, he chose to walk back to the Closed Moon Flower Garden.

Taking a taxi is too expensive.

On the way back to the Closed Moon Flower Garden, he casually pulled out his phone.

As soon as he woke up the screen, he found a red packet of 50 yuan sent by Chen Yuran and another message.

"The breakfast tasted fine, so here's some money for the groceries. I stayed awake all night so I'm going to rest now, don't wake me up when you come back. I'm really grouchy when I wake up."

Seeing Chen Yuran's message specifically mentioning how grouchy she is when she wakes up, Li Jing smirked, accepted the red packet and didn't reply.

He pulled up Liu Sisi from his contact list, and sent a message.

"Sisi, I barely passed the assistant inspector exam. But whether I can stay or not depends on the new recruit assessment at the end of the month."

He wasn't sure whether Liu Sisi was idle at home because she couldn't go to the store and hence was just holding her phone.

As soon as Li Jing sent the message, Liu Sisi quickly replied.

"It's been less than two days, and you've already taken the Assistant Inspector Exam? It's a surprise that you passed!"

"These days, North City has been unrestful. You took the Assistant Inspector Exam at this time, and you might be very busy after you start."

"I am still lying in bed and haven't had lunch yet. How about you invite me to a meal as a celebration of you joining as Assistant Inspector?"

Liu Sisi sent a flurry of messages that stunned Li Jing.

He didn't have any problems with the first two messages.

But the last one, what was she thinking?

Celebrate him joining, and then he foots the bill?

He rubbed his eyes, and opened his account to take a look.

Account balance: 4234.

Recent Transactions: Red Packet +50.

Thinking about it, even after knowing each other for so long, he hadn't treated Liu Sisi to a meal. After some hesitation, Li Jing replied.

"Okay, but can't eat anything too expensive."

"Tsk! Stingy!"

Liu Sisi quickly replied, and then instantly sent another message.

"No. 1088 Tianbei Road, Jingxiang Apartment Block 9, 6th Floor, Apartment 601. Come pick me up."


Li Jing.