Chapter 163: Wind King Mysterious Clothing, Shocking Thunder Action

Upon receiving two messages, Li Jing reached for his device with a strange expression.

He could understand what Jiang Yini wanted to do.

Basically, it was just a way to win over people's hearts.

He was prepared to face the challenge, given her cultivation level in the late stage of the Four Realm.

So, what's Chen Jing mixing in for?

Li Jing was not an ungrateful person, after being taken care of and employed in the patrol bureau, he couldn't just run away with someone else, could he?

It's just too deliberate!

Shaking his head, Li Jing put away his device, chose to ignore both messages, and continued washing his dishes.

There's no getting rid of his relationship with Chen Jing.

He had to rely on Jiang Yini for the manpower and resources of the Management Bureau. He had to fight back as challenges came.

It is not suitable to distance from or get closer to anyone.