Chapter 162: The Intrigues between Two Bureau Chiefs

Leaving the Blue Sky and Ocean Bathhouse, Li Jing put on his Heavenly Saint Xuan Yi robe and set out for home.

He had to go home, and he certainly couldn't do so bare-chested, let alone with a large patch of bloodstain on his chest that he hadn't had time to wash away.

Hovering back home, Li Jing saw Liu Sisi leading Stinky Tofu out of the gate of his own villa before he landed.

Upon witnessing this scene, Li Jing was slightly surprised.

Why was Stinky Tofu with Liu Sisi?

Without further thought, Li Jing landed in the courtyard.

Just as Liu Sisi was about to step inside, she saw a figure descending and had to stop, raising her eyebrows.

Of course, it was Li Jing.

However, his current attire, an extravagant and antique robe, made her hesitate.

Is this... her Li Jing?

It just didn't seem like it!

They say clothes make the man, just as gold makes the Buddha.

Li Jing's usual wardrobe was very casual.

Typically, it was either a T-shirt with jeans or some sports attire.