Chapter 729: Scholar Wu Zongyi

In the blink of an eye.

More than an hour had passed.

Nalan Mingxue had not returned, and no one else from the Confucian line had come either.

Faced with such a situation, Ye Piaoran's heart couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Li Jing's arrival foreboded trouble, as clear as day.

Nalan Mingxue had been gone for so long and hadn't returned, could it be that the Confucian Holy Emperor was really too caught up in his affairs to attend?

Even if his hands were indeed too full.

There shouldn't be anything more important than dealing with Li Jing, who could destroy the Heaven Dragon Temple with the wave of his hand, the "great devil".

All signs indicated.

The Confucian line had no intention of sitting still and waiting for death.

And in fact,

The Confucians weren't hiding anything either, everything was out in the open.

So much time had passed.

The Confucians couldn't possibly think that Li Jing was naive, that he wouldn't notice anything.