Chapter 730: Acquiring the Secret Method, 'A Promising Future

At this moment, as Wu Zongyi looked at Li Jing, he felt like a total mess.

He had brought up Saintess of past Confucianism, not expecting her to actually recognize a living saint.

Moreover, they even had a past together.

What on earth?

What threw Wu Zongyi's mind into chaos wasn't the fact that Li Jing was a saint.

What truly made him feel disoriented

was the fact that although Li Jing was a man, he was actually a female demon in disguise!

A fox demoness, bewitching people.

This was quite normal.

To put it bluntly,

a fox demon bewitching people was their nature.

But for a saint.....

It was illogical for them to be bewitched by a fox demon.

A saint is protected by the Heavenly Path, and they exterminate evil without wavering.

Li Jing being a fox demon was indeed the most terrifying exaggeration Wu Zongyi had ever seen.