The Sour Apple

Kendra, 18 year old, spent her last year of High School in a public school for she wanted to experience what it's like going into a public school and working alongside "normal" people. Kendra came from a wealthy family and she is an heiress to America's most prominent business Nightingale Co. Nightingale Co. specializes in fashion brands, oil companies, mines, animal sanctuaries, restaurants, and hotels. Although she is not known to society as the heiress, she wants to keep a low profile due to what happened at her old school which was the reason why she moved. She completely changed her look, instead of her usual preppy/luxury clothing, she switches to a grunge punk rock look for school. She came up with this in order for people to somewhat leave her be, but luckily she still makes some friends her last year as a highschooler. As Kendra got used to her surroundings, Stacey, the girl who had the highest GPA in school now sees Kendra as the enemy. Enraged that she has been replaced, Stacey then spreads a rumor that Kendra likes girls and her family is so poor that she lives in a shelter home. Kendra doesn't really care what people say about her for all she wants to do is see what it's like to live in this "world". She pretends to be this highly disrespectful tigress who is dangerous for this hell-bent world. Although she never disrespects her teachers, she often talks back to those who disrespects her. Second semester starts and a new student arrives, his name is William Amberton and he is also an heir of Amberton Co. His fathers work side-by-side by adding on to their Grandfather's Grandfather business of mines, watches, and oil companies all across the world. William's reason for switching to his prestigious school is because he wanted a different vibe than the serious and competitive space the school was giving him… he wanted a breath of fresh air. And so, he chose Seaview High as his first choice with the approval of his fathers. When William arrived at Seaview High, he was greeted by a group of girls asking to get his number. William focused on his schedule that he pulled up on his phone to notice his first class was Marine Biology… which is required since he transferred schools. When William finally arrived after several failures, he sat down on the third row near this girl who was mumbling to herself how we were all going to die by an alien invasion. William said a little prayer for the poor girl to find inner peace, and started to work when the teacher began his lesson for the day. When it was lunch time for section A, William started walking with his food in hand and sat down on his left from a group of people that were talking about Kendra. Bringing the fire, she picked up an apple from her friend's tray and threw it at the jerk who dared to question her sexuality. When he ducked, the apple accidentally hit William on his left eye. Surprised at the sudden turn of events, Kendra went wide-eyed and left the scene without apologizing. Why did I just do that! I have to apologize, but then people will think I'm weak… My god, I just threw an apple! I'm going to prison, I still have assignments to complete! Frightened by lunch's situation, she just went to her next class, 20 minutes early. William was absolutely stucken by how rude she was about not apologizing, because of this, he had to skip his next class to go to the school's nurse. When the nurse cleared him by putting ice on the bruise, he was sent to his next class which was the same one as Kendra's American History II Honors (surprise surprise). This is the last class for the both of them, ending at 1:30. Since they both have enough credit hours which allows them to leave school early (them lucky brats!). As William enters, he spots Kendra in the second row with her head in a book. Eyeing her across the room as he walked, he sat down beside her. Kendra still didn't notice her "new neighbor" for she was too engrossed in her novel Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly. Almost everyone was staring at him for no one really sat next to Kendra sadly. The rumor was she will eat your soul if you ever touched her, so no one sat next to her except her acquaintances which was very rare for all of her classes were honors. When the teacher began speaking, she put her book down and finally noticed who sat next to her. William took a final glance and locked eyes with Kendra, neither of them broke contact. He was slightly amused by her sudden challenge of the staring contest. Her eyes practically say break-contact-if-you-dare. But really this whole time Kendra wanted to apologize for her rudeness during lunch but so many people were staring and so she kept quiet and noticed there was a bruise on his left eye, how embarrassed she was. This continued until the teacher called on Kendra and asked her Who was the one that invented daylight saving time. She turned and answered, "Benjamin Franklin." The teacher then moved on to why Benjamin came up with this response to the sun setting at different times. William then turned to Kendra once more and said, "Hey, do you mind if we share?" Without looking Kendra scooted her textbook from her desk to the middle, so they both could see. "Thank you." Kendra just raised her eyebrows in response because some people were still staring at their little interaction. William chuckled under his breath at how unbelievable she was and continued to look on the page of where the lesson was taking place. When the bell rang for the next class, Kendra gets up abruptly and snatches her book away and leaves without looking at William. He then heads for the door hoping to catch the slightly terrifying girl named Kendra. As he heads out the double doors that are on the right side down the hall, he sees her exiting out looking around before she leaves. When he finally gets to the exit after being held by some girl shouted, "Get the f*ck out my way", she was already gone. So he called his Chauffeur to come pick him up instead. When Mr. Blake arrived, William got in the Super Porsche Cayenne, Mr. Blake asks, "Sir, do you remember your fathers are going to the gathering tonight?" , "Yes." William said while staring at the window. "Well Mr.Amberton wanted me to tell you that he wants you to come as well." "Ok… Will there be food?"