Expect the Unexpected

[Everyone getting ready for the formal gathering.]

William puts on a Givenchy tie and asks his Dad, "Is this alright?" "Yes, this color always matches your beautiful eyes." William's other Dad shouted, "Come on! I want to get there early so I can meet Jamal Nightingale!" "Ok, we're coming!". "He's always trying to rush me." William smiles at the response and resumes to get ready. Ash then notices the bruise on his left eye. "What happened!" "Oh nothing, I just… I-" William's mind was absolutely blank as he still was recalling how good of an arm Kendra had. "I fell." Not really believing a word his son just told him, he just left it at that and continued applying Creme de la Mer on his face before smearing pomegranate chapstick. When they're all in the car, his Dad continues to excitedly tell us about his future business deals with the infinite Jamal Nightingale while William's three sisters talk about the latest business deals they made with famous luxury brands. The conversation continues to grow until they have arrived at the Nightingale Estates, which according to google is approximately 30 minutes away from the Amberton's Estate. When they arrived at the gated estate, Mr.Blake showed the security their invitations and the diamond gates opened. What William saw in the distance was a massive brick mansion with a huge fountain that had angelic statues in brass. When the car pulled up to the circle where the entrance to the gathering is held, they were greeted by more security. William admired the door's decor as it was in this baroque style that you only see in grand palaces. All of the Amberton's leave the limo in style and soon make their way to the grand entrance. Mitchelle Amberton is greeting everyone he sees because it's his charm to do so, and Ash Amberton tries to guide his husband back to where he left him. William then follows his three sisters for they are only teenagers and don't need pying eyes from these bastards, as he poetically puts it. But he soon halts as he sees his sisters are preoccupied with their friend circle. So William just goes back to where his parents left him. He sees his Dad talking to none other than Jamal Nightingale, when he arrives at the scene his dad says… "Jamal, I'd like to introduce my son, William." William and Jamal shake hands firmly. Jamal Nightingale then says, "And, I'd like you to meet my daughter Kendra. She's my precious diamond," as he looks at her lovingly. Kendra then turns around as she hears her name and what she sees was not what she had expected at all. There he was, covered in Givenchy was the guy she threw her apple at.