The Sweetest Touch

Kendra couldn't be more conflicted at the sudden turn of events. She and William exchanged looks as Jamal and Mitchelle looked at their children debating on whether they should interfere at the sudden quietness. After two minutes, Kendra and William gently shook hands… Mitchelle let out a sigh of relief, "Jamal I'd also like you to meet my husband Ash." Ash then took the opportunity to say, "Nice to finally meet you, I have to say, I just admire your architecture and decor in your home. It's breathtaking!" Flattered at the compliment Jamal then says," Thank you but, that was all my wife. She just perfects exquisite taste." As if on cue, Jamal's wife Karina arrives in the most beautiful Chanel gown right off of the runway. Karina is known to be well dressed as she thinks it is simply ludicrous to not look your very best each day. She believes it is a privilege and reminds her children each day how to properly take care of themselves. "Hey sweetheart," says Karina to Kendra. Kendra smiled at her lovely mother in adoration. Mitchelle and Ash smiled at Karina as a sign of respect as she is the most illustrious person in this ballroom alongside her husband. Mitchelle then excuses himself as he and Jamal take this opportunity to talk about business plans. Now alone with Karina Nightingale, Ash then questions Karina who she worked with to perfect this beautiful exterior, leaving Kendra and William alone. An awkward silence fills the space between them as they both look around and then return to look at each other and then quickly look at something else. Can no longer stand the awkward tension, Kendra began to leave but William soon followed right after and said, "So, do you usually give the death glare at people when they sit beside you?", he asks in a joking tone. Kendra turns to William and says, "Death glare?" "Yeah (nods) death glare. You were staring at me like this." William then mimics Kendra's stare. Flustered by this imitation, Kendra then said, "I wasn't staring – directly at you." William raises his eyebrows in disbelief. "I wanted to apologize about the incident at lunch… Does it still hurt?", Kendra asks as she reaches up and touches his now slightly colored bruise gently. William was taken aback by how gently her touch was and looked at Kendra in her eyes. Kendra was still looking at William's bruise when her eyes then shifted to his. They both looked into each other as Kendra continued to touch his bruise. At that moment, they both felt something electric as if the air around them was heating up. Kendra's lips parted at the sudden tension but then closed her glossed lips and let her hand fall by her side. William already missed her touch and almost asked her to touch him again.