Colors of the Rainbow [Slight Caution]

Kendra then began to walk at a steady pace and William followed suit. "I never thought that you would be the daughter of Jamal Nightingale." Kendra started to form a smirk at the sudden comment, "Why? Is it because of how I dress?". "No, well - that too but I never thought that there was this whole other side to you." Yeah well I guess people could find that surprising. "Yeah well, as you get to know me I have many layers." William let out a soft laugh that made Kendra smile. "I don't doubt it." As they continue to walk down a hallway filled with mirrors that resembles the Palace of Versailles, Kendra then tries to make conversation as she couldn't stand being in silence. I could talk about um.., oh shit. Kendra looked up to see why William was so quiet, only to see two dark-brown eyes staring at her. Was he staring at me this whole time? Kendra thought as she debated whether to punch him dead in his face or make an ugly expression. All thoughts froze when she noticed something had changed, his eyes began to shimmer in this faintly rainbow color. Her eyes grew wide as the color became more clear. Does he have some medical condition? "Um, your eyes?". "What about them?". "They're uh rainbow. You have contacts on?". "No." William bluntly said. "Oh." Confused by the drastic color change, she tried to see what else his eyes could change by stepping closer. Only Kendra accidentally stepped on her dress and almost fell until William held her up with a strong arm. She looked up to thank him only to find his once rainbow eyes were now iridescent. Something in Kendra started to surge, making her see total darkness until she saw an image of two people. She couldn't make out the faces as they were in a dimly lit room filled with candles making it intimate. She could make out it was a man and a woman, the man had jet black hair that sparkled in the candlelight. His long hair was swaying as he moaned, Kendra was no longer a child and knew what the man and the woman were doing. As the woman remained hidden, the man then came up for air. Removing his hair out of his face to reveal the man was none other than William Amberton.