The Morning After part I

Kendra wakes up at the sound of her alarm which plays her favorite musical piece Concerto by Joseph Boulogne Chevalier de Saint-George. Kendra finally got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. After she brushed her teeth, did her skincare routine, and took a shower… she decided to get dressed. Kendra then opened the double doors that lead to her closet, two stories with a lavender and gold stairwell, a giant diamond chandelier, and pink marble compartments where her clothes are stored. She headed up the stairwell to pick out a Chanel black V-neck sweater, a mini leather skirt from Givenchy, her Chanel black boot and tights. After she headed back down, she got out of her La Perla pajama set and got dressed. Kendra then picked out her Chanel Camellia in 18k pink gold, diamond, and ring to match. She exited her room and headed downstairs for breakfast. "Ah, good morning," Jamal said while he fixed his plate. "Good morning." "Where did you disappear last night?" her little brother Yazmen asked. "I was tired so I went to bed." "Then did that guy also go upstairs with you?" Kendra's eyes were glaring at her little brother as she sat down, I'll make it look like a painful accident, Kendra so gradually expressed while she eyed her brother. "Guy? What guy!" Jamal said as he put down his fork. "There is no guy, Yaz is just -mumbles- hallucinating." Jamal looked at his daughter with such fury and said, "Kendra, you are too young to become a mother! What the hell is-" "No! Jesus, it was William, and he -sighs loudly- he didn't even go upstairs." "Then why was he holding you so tightly?" Yazmen asked in a devious tone. Jamal was about to erupt when Kendra shouted, "I tripped on my dress and he caught me! -whispers- You are unbelievably obnoxious!" Karina now had come to the scene where things are finally starting to settle down, "Oh my, did someone die?" Karina asked. "Almost." Jamal whispered as he got up and kissed his wife. "Sweetheart you're going to be late, here let Mr.Raymond take you to school." "I still have ten minutes?" Kendra said not wanting to see HIM again. "Don't you want to get there early?" Karina said not wanting this to be a debate. Sighing Kendra said goodbye as she ate the rest of her croissant and fruit and was out the door.