The Morning After part II

Kendra then climbed in the car and headed to school. On her way there she was debating on whether she should skip her American History class and just head home for the day. It's not like it would damage my GPA. Being the goody goody she is, she couldn't just skip class without a valid reason to. Looking out the window, she wanted to ask her parents if she could have stayed home for the day. As she was still in thought, Mr.Raymond had pulled up at the back of Seaview High. "We have arrived, Miss Nightingale." "Ok, thank you, Mr.Raymond." When he drove off, Kendra headed for her first period starting at 10:00 am, which was Art. Sitting at her canvas station, Kendra was in a daze about how exactly she was going to face William. I could just sit in the very back, people will just probably move away. Realizing she hasn't painted anything since her arrival, Kendra began to paint. William just now turned in his report on Overfishing in big corporations. He was so disappointed in how the government handles situations like these in terms of the environment. William could not stand how fatal situations about the environment are most likely to be ignored because according to the government, it's irrelevant. When the bell rang for lunch, William got up and headed towards the cafeteria. William was invited to sit next to the quarterback of Seaview's football team, but he turned them down after what happened on Friday's events. William was hoping to see Kendra as he made his way to a seat, he was disappointed when he saw her friends, not with her. Slightly annoyed by this he bit into his chicken sandwich aggressively and didn't even bother to wipe his mouth. I'll just talk to her in history. Having made up his mind, he began to eat his grapes with ease. Kendra on the other hand is eating outside next to the school's pond. It was her favorite place if she wanted to think, it was always so peaceful there. She watched the way the water sparkled in the sunlight and listened to the birds chirping. She could just fall asleep right there without a care in the world. Now finished with lunch, she gradually drifted off until she was rudely awakened by the bell. "Ahh fine!" She snatched her bag and stomped her way to the double doors. When she reached American History, she scanned the room to see if she saw the person she is so desperately trying to avoid. After realizing he hadn't yet arrived, she started to feel this… heat? It was spreading all through her, electrifying her nerves and making her ache at the sudden emotion. Her breath started to quicken as her mouth ran dry, only one person could make her feel like this… Dreading as she slowly turned around was William, standing directly behind her leaving only an inch between them.