I'm your what?

Mr.Wright was still going on about how much of America was influenced by the British when the bell rang for the next period. "Ok, make sure you start ahead of your report on the Aftermath of the American Revolution!" Mr.Wright had said. Kendra was about to walk right out the door when William stepped in her path. "We need to talk, you and I." "Fine, where?" "The Library," William said. No longer trying to escape, Kendra then walked beside William as they made their way to Seaview's library. It was your everyday typical Library (if you weren't an heiress) it had shelves of old crumbled books from sci-fi, to fantasy, and romance. The non-fiction section was always highlighted as it is the most sought-after genre. Kendra and William headed upstairs to get a little privacy of their awaited conversation. Once they had settled into a wooden table, William decided to take the lead. "Ok, um… I know what you saw was inappropriate in many ways but I can assure you it was not my intention." Kendra remained quiet, taking that silence as a way of saying continue, he then said, "When me and you touched it… well it initiated a surge caused by you." Kendra looked at William like he was the biggest idiot on earth. "Initiated, care to elaborate on that?" "Yes, well if I'm correct, we witnessed that image because you wanted me to see it." Thrown off by the sudden accused action, Kendra expressed a crooked smile. "So, you're saying that I wanted you to see me and you make love to each other?" Kendra said in an irritated tone. "No! No, what I'm saying is that your subconscious self wants you to show me and you what is to be." "To be? What the hell are you talking about?" "I mean you and I are meant to be." Kendra raised her eyebrows at the confession. "Meant to be? Is this some sort of desperate attempt to get me? Because it's not working." "No, I mean when we connected it set off a miraculer substance that was already in motion." "So what you're saying I somehow told time?" "Yes! Time that has not yet come. A moment that has not happened yet." And according to me, never will. "So… how do I stop it?" "You can't, it is not something you see and can change. Time is inevitable." "Uh-huh, so back to me, Why were your eyes all colors of the rainbow?" Instead of answering her, William looked down, almost hesitant to tell her. What's troubling him, it's not like I will tell anybody considering everyone avoids me. Realizing she has made him uncomfortable she said, "Nevermind, if you feel I have no reason to know, then I have no reason to know." "It's not that it's just I'm not sure if I should be the one to tell you." Confused by his response, Kendra then asked him this, "But you'll tell me later on yes?" William looked at Kendra and after a long pause, he nodded. "Can I just test one theory?" "What for?" "I want to see if we can connect as we did before." "I'm not sure if we-" "Trust me." William said in a soft voice. I barely know you like that, why would I trust you! William then began to look at her deeply and lifted his hand, hesitant, Kendra then looked at William as she placed her hand on his. They both stared as Kendra started to notice how William's eyes started to change color like before. William then inlaced his fingers in Kendra's as he pressed down to activate their connection. And soon, they started to see something. It was hard to make out since it was blurry at first, but they noticed it was a man and woman. They seemed to be located outside on the street when the man all of a sudden crotched down as the woman fell lifelessly. Kendra felt something below her abdomen, it was a sharp pain. She grunted by the unexpected pain as she looked back at the woman, still couldn't make out her face as she saw something indescribably nauseous. The woman wasn't breathing and she saw blood oozing out below her stomach.