What did that mean?

Startled by the scene, Kendra yanked her hand away and looked at William wide-eyed. "What, no Who was that?!" "I- I don't know, are you ok?" Kendra looked at him like he lost his mind, "No!" "Ok, ok. Do you want to ta-``''No, I think I'll just head home." William said nothing as he watched Kendra exit the Library. Who was that woman and why was she bleeding? Are they gangsters? Kendra's thoughts were going 360 as she reached the double doors located at the back of the school. Mr. Raymond had come into Kendra's view when she had circled the sidewalk. "Good Afternoon Miss Nightingale," Raymond said with a smile but soon his smile fainted when he noticed Kendra was frightened. "Miss, are you alright?" Raymond's life flashed before his eyes as he thought of the master seeing his daughter with such an expression, how he loved life and wanted nothing else but to live! "Who did it, Miss? Was it a boy?" "No, can we just head home? I just had a -whispers- long day." "Of course, right away Miss," Raymond said as he swiftly put the car on drive. Riding back to her home, Kendra recalled that she had forgotten her book bag from where William and she were sitting. "Ahh shit," Kendra said. "Miss Nightingale!" "Oh, excuse me, carry on." Raymond focused his attention back on the road. How could I just up and leave! I don't feel like going back though… I'll just have to get it back Tuesday. As Kendra made up her mind, she started to see her estate from a distance. As she unbuckled her seat belt and waited for the car door to be opened, she noticed another car in front of theirs. Kendra didn't recognize the license plate or the brand. She looked closer and noticed that on the back of the car, there were small golden initials that read W.A… He followed me home!