Are you a stalker now?

Kendra thanked Raymond as she stormed through the entrance, praying to God that it wasn't him. Am I being punished today, cause if I am, I might as well put it in the calendar as a Holiday, have a whole celebration, Kendra thought as she made her way down the hallway of the main entrance where her father usually works when he comes home. "Dad, who is–'' Kendra was cut off from who sat across from her father. "William," Kendra growled (yes growled, she's part animal). "Kendra! My darling girl, William, wanted to return your book bag. It seems you left in quite a hurry." Jamal said as he smiled sweetly at the two of them. "Why don't you join us for dinner." "Ah Dad, we don't want to intrude on him, he probably has other plans with his family," Kendra said, sounding desperate to get rid of him. William finally looked at Kendra as he said, "I'd love to stay." challenging her to dare make a scene. "Great, I'll have a seat arranged for you!" Jamal said as he exited his office with a pep in his step. "Are you a stalker now?" Kendra said as she walked towards him. "No, I simply wanted to return your bag," William said as he stood up from his seat. "Then how did you get home before I did, school is 30 minutes away, and I left before you did." Instead of answering her William just took a step forward to feel in the space between them. "You left before I could say anything," William said as his eyes darkened. "Well forgive me if I didn't seem keen on seeing a dead woman," Kendra said in annoyance. Wiliam's eyes softened as he took one of Kendra's hands, she immediately felt his sorrow as he said, "I didn't mean to hurt you," William said softly. Kendra knew he meant every word as he laced their fingers together, this time when they touched, it was a feeling instead of an image. William then moved closer to her as if Kendra was a magnet. Kendra then followed suit until they were nose to nose… Kendra's breath quickened at the sudden contact, she could no longer deny it, she is attracted to William. She loved the way his eyes smiled as he looked at her, the way he talked to her in the sweetest voice, and she especially loves the way he craves for her. Taking his other arm, he then gently laid his hand on Kendra's waist. Kendra then slowly tilted her head as she began to close her eyes, giving William permission to take her. As William then moved in, just as he was about to place his lips on hers, they both heard a click. Standing in the entrance was Yazmen holding a camera, "Pfft, this can go in the family's photo album!"