R.I.P Yazmen

Outraged, Kendra stormed at her brother who was still holding the camera in his hand. "You little!" Kendra yelled as she reached for the camera. Yazmen took one last shot of Kendra's mad face before he surrendered his camera. Annoyed by the interruption, William just glared at the situation that folded in front of him. "Delete this!" Kendra said. "But it would look so good as a welcome card! Wouldn't it." Yasmin said as he showed the picture to William. William then focused on the picture and saw how Kendra's eyes were big, nostrils flared, and lips thinning by her rage. William couldn't help but laugh until he looked at Kendra who squinted her eyes at his boldness, and his laugh was soon followed by a cough and looked away. Kendra then turned back to Yazmen and said in a demanding voice, "Delete it now or I will pluck out your eyes." Now scared for dear life, Yazmen hurriedly deleted all the photos he took of Kendra and William. "You afraid you and your new boyfriend are not going to get approved?" "No, unlike you I'm eighteen and therefore legal to make my own decisions." Yazmen rolled his eyes and passed Kendra to meet William. "Hey, I'm Yazmen, this beautiful woman's brother. You're William correct?" William nodded and shook hands with Yazmen, "Yeah, hey." "I called your parents about where you are since my Dad forgot to, they're on their way to join us," Yazmen said. Kendra felt exhausted by the sudden attitude change from her brother, she knew this is how he really acts but it's his shady side she can't stand. "Oh, thank you," William said, surprised. "It's no problem. Will have dinner around six." Yazmen said and then left right afterward. "Your brother is um…" William started to say then Kendra finished "Something." Kendra finally left her Dad's office and William followed suit when they were in the main hall they heard voices. William however quickly identifies whose voices they belonged to and starts smiling. "Hey Dads!"