Me and Him?

"William!" Ash Amberton said slightly flustered. "Next time tell us personally where you are." "You know I have to take care of your father, he always assumes the worst." Ash playfully adds but Mitchelle soon gives him a look that tells him otherwise. Behind them were Anastasia, Marie, and Elizabeth… Williams sisters. They were all named after royals that Ash was obsessed with while growing up and Mitchelle thought it was a good idea to name us after them. "I believe you haven't met my three daughters?" Mitchelle said to Kendra. "This is Anastasia, the second eldest, Marie, and Elizabeth, my baby!" Elizabeth rolled her eyes, even if she is 12 years old, she's still treated as the baby. "Hey, I have always wanted to meet you!" Anastasia said. "You have achieved so much and I always admire your work, why have you stopped?" Anastasia asked in the most innocent voice. Kendra then looked back at her old school and what had happened that changed everything, her head slightly hurts from the memory of it, she still doesn't understand what caused the explosion of light. "Ana, it's not polite to ask such questions!" Marie said in a desperate attempt to cure her outburst. "Oh, no it's fine, please come into the dining room," Kendra said. All seven of them made their way to the dining room, the dining room might as well be called something else… The room consisted of a big long mahogany table with gold baroque, chairs that matched the tables wood and also had gold baroque with a hint of lavender, and the walls were covered in deep emerald green with white daffodils and pink peonies. Jamal, Karina, and Yazmen were already seated when they arrived, "Ash, Mitchelle glad you could come! And Anastasia, Marie, Elizabeth please sit!" Jamal practically yelled. When they were all seated, the servants came out with their dinner. Today's dinner was Smoked Lemon Salmon, Brussel sprouts, Risotto, Honey buttered croissants, and Brie cheese. Kendra's mouth watered at the sight of all the goodies, Yazmen handed her a napkin to give her a hint and Kendra snatched it. William chuckled at the sight and began to eat his fill. Nobody talked because they were too preoccupied with what was in front of them until Mitchelle said, "So William, what was the reason for coming here?" "I wanted to return Kendra's bookbag," William said. "So are you two dating," Elizabeth said, surprising everyone. Yazmen smiled, Karina dropped her fork, Anastasia smiled like the friggin 'grinch, Jamal's eyes rolled up, Marie just continued to eat, and Mitchelle and Ash just stared at their son. Hell, even the servants were perking their ears up at the news waiting for the next move. Why can't everyone just mind their own damn business, Kendra thought.