Stop it!

Kendra was still in shock by this little girl's outburst, she soon snapped out of it and started to say, "No sweetheart, we ar-" Kendra almost choked when she felt something on her knee. She looked down and soon began to follow the arm and came to realize it was William's hand. What the actual f- "No, but we are quite fond of each other!" William said excitedly. Nope, that's just you baby. "We can't stand to be apart, we always have to be close." He says as he slides his hand further. Kendra then dropped her fork by the sensation, she felt something inside her heat up that made her skin boil. When his hand became dangerously close to her entrance, Kendra quickly said, "Yes! Only I wanted to tell you later when everything is sorted out. I didn't want to make you feel obligated." Kendra practically yelled as she also placed her hand on William's knee. William's heart quickened at the contact, he looked up to see Kendra still talking only he could no longer hear. Her hand was beginning to glide up and up until her dainty small hand started to form around his… William stood up abruptly as he could no longer take Kendra's torture. Kendra looked up and said, "What's wrong? Do you have to use the powder room?" Kendra smiled but William knew it was for different reasons. Yazmen saw the whole thing and was tempted to put bleach in his eyes as soon as dinner was finished. "Yes, but I can't seem to find it, help me," William said. William knew what she was about to say and dragged Kendra without her telling her answer, the dinner table was silent, some were silent of desperation, others of disgust. William then dragged Kendra to the end of the left hall where they left from the dinner table. "Stop it!" Kendra yelled as she snatched her arm away. "That was sexual assault you know, bastard!" Kendra said hesitating on that last part. William said nothing, "If you dragged me here for confrontation, I simply don't have time. See unlike you, I have a life that is filled with responsibilities and - and —" Kendra took a deep breath to gather her thoughts as she was staring at the wall. "Why did you even do that?" Kendra said, sounding genuinely confused. William still stayed silent as he was questioning himself, Why did I do that? William's eyes started to turn iridescent as he looked down, this time his eyes were cold and empty as they turned all colors of the rainbow. Kendra saw something different in his eyes, there was this sparkle that came to life, now it's dimly lit, cold and dark. "Are you ok?" Kendra said as she stepped closer to get a better view of his eyes. "Sorry," William whispered. As he turned around there was this brief light that shook the earth, Kendra looked around in a panic as she saw how the walls glowed in brilliant colors reflecting them. Kendra looked at William and saw his eyes were still rainbow until they turned back to his usual dark-brown eyes, the shaking had stopped. Bewildered, Kendra looked at William who eventually looked at her then the walls that were just engulfed in light and left the hallway.