I just can't

Sorry? That's all you have to say after you did that! Arrgggg! I should have punched him when I had the chance. I mean, I did touch him too…. (In any situation, never inflict the same tactic as these two horny idiots.) After 10 long minutes, Kendra decided to head back to the dining room. "Where's William?" said Karina. "He left," Kendra said as she made her way across the room and sat down in her seat. "Oh lord… he left?" asked Ash who was still devouring his food. "We would have to go then, Jamal and Karina. I'm so sorry for this, Ana, Marie, Lizzie… Let's go." Anastasia was about to complain but her father gave her a look that promised no comeback. "I wish we had more time together," Anastasia said while facing Kendra. "I know, maybe next time when your brother drops something off of mine." "Yeah like a pregnancy test," Yazmen muttered that only Kendra could hear. Since Anastasia was around Kendra couldn't exactly cuss him out, so she just sat there and took his blow. "My god you're low," Kendra said to Yazmen after the Amberton said goodbye and left. "Sorry, but you didn't exactly try to hide your relationship with him. Quite bold coming from you dear sister." Kendra didn't have a comeback from his very obvious remark of the way they held each other under the table. "Are you though?" "I'm I what?" Kendra asked. "Are you dating him?" Yazmen said in a hushed voice so that their parents won't hear them. "No… yes? I -sighs- I just can't anymore?" "It's alright, love is complicated but it leaves us wanting more just try not to do it under the table next time. My eyes are still burning.." Yazmen said as he went into the main stairwell to go to his wing. "Kendra, how about some tea before bed?" Karina said already dressed for bed. Kendra admired her mother's fashion sense for she always looked elegant, no matter what she wore, she is always presentable. "Yes please, but can we have Lavender & Chamomile?" Karina smiled and nodded at her daughter's cuteness. "With honey though?" "Yes! Get it out!" Karina said, practically running towards the kitchen to make the tea. Kendra was still amazed by how fast her mother could run, she was a track star when she was younger so it makes sense. When Karina had the kettle going she turned to Kendra, thoughts filled her mind as she thought of how to approach this burning topic towards her daughter. "Do? Hm," Karina started. Kendra then stopped staring out of space to look at her mother, "Mama?" "Does William know about what happened?" Kendra's heart raced, "No! -clears throat- no ma'am I never told anyone about what happened." "Good, as long as you know how important this situation is…" Kendra looked down, she had always done this as a child when someone ever questioned her. Even though she grew out of being shy, her habit still stuck with her throughout the years. Karina stepped closer and touched Kendra's chin to lift her head. "I just don't want you to get hurt. I've only just met William and I saw the way he looked at you. I'm just being a mother, I will step down if you like him." Kendra said as she smiled. "Mama, I don't like him." Kendra said in a wavering voice. "Mmmhmm," Karina said, not believing a word her daughter said. The sound of a high-pitched scream started to break into the sound barrier. "Oh look, tea's ready."