A Suprise Visit part I

Today's morning was a blur for Kendra as she made her way for breakfast. Yazmen was already seated and dressed, "Good morning my sweet sister." he said brightly. "Good morning," Kendra said in a groggy voice. "Ehh, did you sleep with the dead?" "Yaz, finish your damn food!" his father stated. "I'm just saying, I mean she sounds like she came from the fiery pits of hell." Yazmen laughed. Kendra turned at him with fury, "And it's far too early to be communicating with jackasses." Kendra exaggerated. "Kendra, I will take out my belt!" Karina said as she made her way back to the breakfast table. Yazmen smiled as he looked at her, only Kendra just squinted her eyes as she ate her blueberry waffles aggressively. Kendra then pilled her plate with strawberries, mango (her favorite), blueberries, and cherries. She might as well be eating as much as she can to build up the last of the energy she just wasted. Karina sat down and stole a blueberry waffle from her husband's plate. "My darling, there are waffles over there," Jamal said but continued to smile as he loved it when his wife stole his food from his plate, if anything she could take his whole damn plate away he still would be the happiest man on Earth. "Ok, I'm off to school," Kendra said as she stood up. "Ok, sweetheart don't forget about today ok!" her mother said as her father pulled her down to smother her kisses. "Ok!" Kendra said not bothering to think about what her Mama meant. "Have a good day!" Yazmen said. I cannot with this two-faced bastard. "You too, Yaz," Kendra said not looking back. When Kendra walked out the double doors that were opened by Ms.Penny. "Have a great day at school sweetie." Ms. Pennsy said sweetly. "You too Ms. Penny, I love you!" Kendra said brightly already feeling like she could accomplish the world. Kendra climbed into the car after she greeted Mr. Raymond. She then waived at Ms.Penny who waved back smiling as she did. This is going to be a good day! Kendra told herself as Mr. Raymond drove off after he left through the diamond gates. When Raymond stopped at the right at the red light, Kendra added Anastasia to her contacts. She liked Anastasia and wanted to get to know her better. After adding her, Kendra then texted Anastasia, "Hello, this is Kendra!" Anastasia texted Kendra literally a second after she sent it, "Hi, how's your morning so far?" Kendra smiled at her enthusiasm, "Good I ate well, and you?" Anastasia took a good five seconds before Kendra could see the text. "I also ate well but my Dad kept on telling me I need to put more work into what I'm already doing! And then my other Dad kept telling me to wash the dishes even though I wash my dishes after I use them all the time! Honestly, it was a mess." Kendra laughed which caused Raymond to smile for he missed the young heiress's laugh. "Sounds like it, but want to go shopping sometime at the mall?" "Yes! Day and Time?" "Saturday at 9 am!" "I'll be there." (I clair, I feel like they're on some secret mission of getting their first before everyone. Who gets up at 7 am on a Saturday… just to go to the mall? Me lol any day.)