A Surprise Visit part II

Raymond then turns right and goes in the back of Seaview High to drop off Kendra. "We have arrived, Miss Nightingale." Kendra then told Anastasia that she had to go and turned off her phone. "Thank you, Raymond." Kendra smiled at Raymond as he bowed. When Kendra went through the double doors to go to Art, she bumped into Stacey. "Wow watch where you're going bitch!" Stacey dramatically stated while glaring at Kendra. "Easy witch." Kendra barked. "Or I might just cut out that tongue of yours," Kendra added. Stacey then staggered back as she watched Kendra move on, "That's why you have no friends you Lesbian Whore!" Kendra rolled her eyes as she turned around, "For your information, I'm not a lesbian, and if I was why would that be a bad thing?" Stacey continued to look at Kendra in disgust. "Homophobe," Kendra said as her eyes darkened. She hated how people of her generation are still homophobic to those who just want to live in a world where they can be their true selves, how disgusting. As Kendra walked down the hall, people made sure they would never touch her and parted like the red sea. Gosh, it's like I have the plague or something! If people just get to know me! As she turned to the left, she began to see the paintings of past students' work. Kendra then made her way through the classroom and sat by her usual place near the window. This time the teacher wanted them to paint the woman's body… Kendra always liked paintings that captured how beautiful a woman's body is and the value it holds. With a slight smile on her enchanting face, she began to paint. As she began to paint, she gently stroked the brush to create her hair, then she began painting the woman's body. Ms. Rachael was going around the classroom to gaze upon her students' work when she stopped to look at Kendra's. Kendra's piece was exquisite, she not only captured the light of the woman's eyes, but she captured her radiance in a single 30 minutes of class. "Marvelous Kendra, you have completely captured the essence of Josephine Baker. Stunning! Class if you want a visual representation of what I intend on you creating, look at Kendra's canvas!" Ms.Rachael said with a sense of awe in her voice as she continued. Some were murmuring about how they would never look at my work even if their life depended on it, ok fine by me. It didn't matter to her, she couldn't care less what people thought about her. Are some of these people even seniors! Move on and get a life! Kendra then painted the cloth that Joesphine was clutching to cover the rest of her body. It has now been an hour and Kendra was the first to be done… When the bell rang Ms. Rachel asked Kendra to stay behind to discuss some matters. "Have you thought of majoring in fine arts?" "I have not," Kendra said bluntly. "I think you should consider the possibility, you have such talent." Kendra stayed silent at this compliment, Ms.Rachael continued. "I graduated from this college in Singapore called 'Lasalle College of the Arts'. I would be more than happy to write you a letter of recommendation." Ms. Rachael said. "Thank you, truly… and I'll think about it. Have a great rest of your day." Kendra smiled as she began to leave. "You too Kendra."