A Surprise Visit part III

As Kendra began to make her way through lunch she saw her "friend" group and joined them once she got her lunch box (yes a lunch box, Kendra's parents wouldn't let Kendra consume any of that garbage that they call food.). "Hey, Kendra," Beliath said. Beliath is not your typical punk guy with a bad attitude, he's nice and works at an animal hospital. He intends on being a Vet one day like his mama. "What did you get for lunch today?" "Sushi," Kendra said with a smug expression on her face. "Oh, and you don't intend on sharing!" Beliath said being the most dramatic man of all time. "Just ask, and maybe you'll receive," Kendra said. Of all of her acquaintances, Kendra considers Beliath as her friend for what he did for her on her first day at Seaview High. Being the six-foot-three-man, he made Stacey apologize when she assumed my sexuality for the second time, he made her teary-eyed. Kendra laughed at the memory as she placed her hand on his hair, "Of course, you can have some." Kendra said brightly. She then picked up a piece of nigiri with her chopsticks and stuck it in Beliath's mouth. "Mmm," he said as he closed his eyes, "That good huh?" Kendra said as she laughed, still clutching his hair. Beliath closed his eyes and opened his mouth waiting for the second piece, laughing. Kendra then was about to give him what he wanted when suddenly she felt this burning sensation, almost like a heat lamp. She looked up to find William staring at her with the darkest eyes she had ever seen. William then looked at Beliath and then back at Kendra, What the hell's his problem? "What," Beliath said, growing impatient as he opened his eyes. Beliath then followed the direction where Kendra was staring and locked eyes with William. "That guy's bothering you?' Beliath said his tone now deepened at the sudden intensity. "No… no, just don't mind him, he's trouble." Kendra said, sounding off at the last part. "I don't doubt that," Beliath said as he continued to stare at William. He didn't know what it was but Beliath claire saw his eyes shimmered for a split second, he then knew that there was more to the story that Kendra wasn't telling him. When it was time for the second period, Kendra arrived at Mr. Wright's classroom, the lights were off and the door was shut. Kendra then peeked inside to see if she caught any movement. "He's not here." Kendra almost bumped her head on the glass window at the sudden voice. "Ah, I think I just lost 10 years!" Kendra yelled. William just stood there and looked at Kendra as he had this smug face forming. "And how do you know?" "He emailed us." "When?" "At 6" "a.m?" Kendra said while raising her eyebrows. "Mmmhmm, I wouldn't lie to you," William said as he looked at her sweetly. "But you would keep a secret or two from me," Kendra said, searching his eyes for something and by the unexpected answer, William began to look irritated. "I have my reasons." "Of course," Kendra said unchanged by his approach to wooing her. "Well if he's not here, then where's the substitute?" "I don't know?" William said as if he was almost saying I'm not responsible for the substitute not showing up. "Hmm, welp see you later," Kendra said, not bothering to wait any longer. "Ok bye," William said but then whispered "my heart".When Kendra exited the double doors she caught something revolting, it almost made her throw up. Why the hell is she here! "Is this where you go to school, well I guess it suits you and your whole rotten vibe" Charlotte said as she took off her Chanel sunglasses.