
"Raymond!" Kendra shouted. "I'm sorry Miss Nightingale, but Miss Charlotte insisted that I take her," Raymond said sounding apologetic as he bowed his head. This is just fantastic, I just love my life! "You have a chauffeur already, go bother him," Kendra said shoving Charlotte out of the car so she could climb in. "Ow, that hurt!" Charlotte screamed. Not caring Kendra continuously followed her daily routine and was about to buckle up when she heard Charlotte say… "Oh is that William Amberton!" Kendra's eyes snapped up as she turned her head, and there he was, William in the distance gazing at them. "He's even more handsome in person! Ah, to be his girlfriend will just be" Charlotte didn't even get to finish as she was yanked by Kendra, she then slammed the door shut. "Ahh! You are a dog that needs a leash!" Kendra chuckled, "Takes one to know one." Charlotte then yanked her wrist back and sat in the seat properly as she put on her seat belt. "Raymond please take us to the building," Charlotte said as she was still flushed from the yanking. "Yes, Miss Nightingale." Raymond then drove off to the destination that Charlotte instructed. Kendra was about to fall asleep to ease her aching head when she noticed that Raymond passed the light they were supposed to turn. Confused, Kendra said, "Raymond, you passed the light." "Yes, Miss." Even more confused, she said, "But that was the way home, where are we even going?" "We're going to the company, so be a good little rat and sit back." Kendra never wanted to smack someone more in her life at that moment, instead, she just flicked Charlotte's forehead and sat back as Charlotte cried out. When they were five minutes away Charlotte looked at Kendra and said, "Why are you dressed like a drug dealer?" Lost the last shred of composure, Kendra yelled, "Why don't you get off my case you overgrown roach!" Even Raymond couldn't help but let out a little chuckle at Kendra's boldness. "Ok... Medusa." Charlotte scowled. "Medusa wasn't a villain, she was a victim you uncultured little-" "We have arrived!" Raymond practically shouted. No longer wanting to breathe the same air as this snake, Kendra hoped out the car. Then Charlotte got out and began to follow Kendra, "You really walking in while looking like that." "Yes, I like this so I'm wearing it." Kendra spat out. When they arrived at Nightingale Co. people recognized Charlotte, but didn't recognize Kendra. "Who is she?" "Is she a friend of Charlotte's?" "Is the boss's lover?" Murmurs started to make a stir in the high-class building. "See, you're forgettable." Charlotte said making the ugliest face there is known to mankind. "Shut up, why did you bring me here?" "Your Uncle want's to see you." "He couldn't just call me?" Kendra said sounding sarcastic. "If you know my father, he doesn't just call." "Yeah, that's a fact." They soon arrived at the secret elevator where only elite members of the company can ride on. His office is on the 35th floor, he probably is there because he loved to look down and see how small the world can be, like little ants, he always says. After 5 minutes, they arrived at the 35th floor, some employee was waiting for them when they got out, they soon directed the cousins where his office was. Not that they needed an escort, of course, I guess this is his way of being careful. Soon after, they were face-to-face with two massive bronze doors. Charlotte always hesitates to knock on her father's door, with great reasoning as well. Kendra takes note of this and just opens the door and walked right in, "What are you doing!? You're supposed to knock!" she whispered. Kendra ignored her until she saw the mahogany desk completed with a massive brown chair and a tall man in the middle. "I see you didn't knock, Kendra." Uncle Azar said as his eyes rose from her boldness.