
Again, more and more leaks were being put out. Some leaks were good news while some other news were not really not any great at all. One of the news were it being that some policies were still being in consideration as the government and the demon lord were all thinking on the border policies that was really complicated.

While other countries slowly getting on with the virus, Japan still proudly shown that they were one of the most strictest country in the world regarding border measures. However, things had slowly changes with the demon lord being much more pressured than ever within the border and outside the border. This pressure may had broken the mindset of the demon lord of dirty gaijins.

And with all the consideration again going on, this made more foreigners in the community angered and frustrated by the incompetence of the demon lord. One of the policies that shouldn't be a problem had now became somewhat a thing that was being debated as to whether doing the screening certificate online would be the right things to do. All the consideration thus became a problem as the foreigners couldn't apply earlier for the screening certificate and visas since the number of foreigners who were coming in was in the realms of half a million people. Leaks that this problem were still in consideration thus made foreigners unable to apply for it. And due to that, more and more foreigners were in limbo on whether they should bought their flight tickets first or not.

Even more mind blowing things would be that the schools and institution were also confused as to the information given towards them were not specific or detailed enough for this institutions and schools to act on. This massive problems may soon let to mayhem once the border measures was eased and foreigners could apply for their visas and screening certificate.