Doctor Situ

Wang Yu continued painting. He has decided to finish this painting today, so he poured all his concentration on it forgetting about anything else.

After two hours of work Wang Yu finally finished the painting which took him three weeks to finish. Looking at the painting Wang Yu couldn't help but feel happier forgetting about his past disappointment. The painting depicted a heroic young girl wearing a blue robe thrusting a small sword at a young man in black who simply dodged the attack while looking gently toward the young girl. The young man had his sword in its stealth and only dodged in the last moment which showed how confident he was in his footwork.

While contemplating the painting Wang Yu heard the door being knocked, looking at the door direction he said "Enter".

Shortly after, Ah Shu and company come accompanied by an old man. Just by smelling the scent of herbs from the old man Wang Yu was sure that he was a doctor.

The instant the old man entered the room, he was captivated by the painting, after few breaths the old man said "That's a good painting, I assume that the youth in the painting is him"

Before Wang Yu could respond, Ah Shu said "So you finished the painting, what a good surprise, let me introduce you, this is doctor Situ, one of the greatest doctors here in the sect, he's here to heal you."

"What a great youth it's rare for people from the sect to be good at arts" said the old man, who seemed to like Wang Yu's painting.

"Could you make me a painting?" asked the old man who was still looking at the painting.

Wang Yu was surprised by the old man's request, still he nodded.

"Good, let's start the healing session." The old man took the bandages slowly from Wang Yu's arm, he then took a strange bottle from his bag and started pouring it on his wound. After five minutes he took a needle and started sewing the wound. Shockingly Wang Yu didn't feel any pain while the old man was sewing the wound.

After he finished sewing the wound he took another bottle and poured a little from it on his arm.

"Right now, you'll have to take a rest for about a week, after that your arm will be completely healed," said the old man.

Looking at the shocked Wang Yu the old man laughed "Don't be surprised, this is a great medicine, made from very valuable herbs." The old man felt proud talking about his medicine. He then looked at Ah Shu and said "since the young man here will make a painting for me I'll make a discount."

"Thank you very much Senior," said Ah Shu.

Wang Yu knew that the healing wasn't cheap, and knew that this time wasn't only useless like the other times, but his companion carried him and even paid for his healing.

He felt grateful to his friends who didn't have any obligation to save him nor to pay for his cure, he didn't say anything but in his heart he will always remember this kindness.

"I still have some patients to look after, so I'll come later for the painting." said the old man before leaving. After he left Ah Shu followed him outside leaving Wang Yu with Lu Min and Lu Fu.

"Wang Yu, now that you have finished your painting, don't you think it's my time." Said Lu Min playfully, Wang Yu understood that this was a way of making forget about what happened in the forest.

"No, brother Ah Du asked me before you, so you'll have to wait a little longer." Said Wang Yu while looking at them, seeing Ah Du sigh Wang Yu continued "I think the two painting won't take much time as the first, since I won't be training for a week"

Wang Yu's last sentence was filled with regrets, all he wants to do now is to train as hard as possible so he's no more a burden to his friends.

Lu Min and Lu Fu could feel Wang Yu's regrets so Lu Min said "You don't have to feel sad about it, remember that an arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. It's not a big deal it's only one week"

Wang Yu nodded his head in approval, he knew setbacks were a part of anyone's life, beside as Lu Min said it's just one week.

They continued their discussion, changing the subject about the beginning of the tournament. Unfortunately they couldn't go and see since entering the outer sect is impossible without permission from the sect.

"What happened to Ah Du, I didn't see him." asked Wang Yu.

"Well as you know Ah Du was already wounded before the hunt so although he didn't get a new wound, his past one started to bleed again, which is why he's like you forbidden from doing any intensive move for one week." said Lu Min sorry for what happened to Ah Du.

"Won't it be harder for you to hunt this week." asked Wang Yu, concerned about his companions.

"You don't need to be afraid, the next hunt will be a lot easier since we have two fighters at the silver tier stage."

"That's good to hear" said Wang Yu before yawning, he had been painting for around three hours and needed an incredible amount of concentration.

"We'll leave now, you should take a rest and don't think about any unnecessary thing, training will only be harmful to you." Said Lu Min seriously.

"We'll come to see you again soon," said Lu Fu.

Wang Yu nodded his head. After they left he closed his eyes and started to sleep, he was exhausted.

Hearing the knocking of the door Wang Yu opened his eyes, and said "enter"

"How do you feel?" Asked Qu Shi who came alongside the others.

"I feel better, I can move my arm now, it's just somewhat painful"

"That's good, it's the same as me. But with medicine it won't take more than a week to be fully healed" Said Ah Du.

"That's great, Wang Yu, let's go to the canteen. Staying in the room all the time is very bad for your health." Said Lu Min.

Hearing that Wang Yu nodded his head and stood up, following his companions. In the canteen people kept talking about the tournament.

"It's said that the first stage of the tournament would be held inside the Darkness Forest, I suppose they are going to delve deeper than what we usually do." said a strong young man who was wearing armor and only had one arm.

"Yes, they are going to truly enter the forest, unlike us who only hunt in the periphery. I would have liked to be one of them, entering the forest and killing the real monsters." Sighed an old man who was sitting beside the young one.

Everyone here in the servant district was talking about the tournament those days, even though they aren't gaining much from the success or failure of the outer sect disciples, they keep gossiping about them instead of working as hard as possible in hope of maybe achieving something, they prefer gossip, since most of them have already lost any hope of cultivating.

"Qu Shi, how do you feel after reaching the silver tier before me and Ah Du" asked Lu Min jokingly, much like Qu Shi he has also spent a long time at the bronze tier peak.

"Stop joking Lu Min, I just feel a lot stronger but my sense didn't improve much, I think you will reach it soon. You just have to wait. It is gonna happen at any moment, I had this feeling each day before I broke through."

"Yeah, I know I was joking with you." said Lu Min.

"I didn't have time to talk to you, but I've sold the herb to the sect with forty six coins. They said that if it was fully matured they would have bought it with two hundred coins, they reproached why we didn't ask the other senior hunters for help." Said Ah Shu while feeling sorry.

"We could do nothing about it, we couldn't have waited for it to mature, beside telling the other hunters won't do us any good, I doubt we would get forty six coins." Said Qu Shi angrily, she didn't like why they would want them to ask for help.

"Anyway what's done is done and I think your choice was the best, so today we're going to celebrate at the restaurant and Wang Yu's obliged to come with us" Said Lu Min.

"You forget that we are forbidden from entering the restaurant." Responded Ah Shu.

"Oh, but I know a friend who can bring us some food and wine, so we can eat, and drink together tonight"

"That's a fantastic idea, I've been wanting to drink for some time."

Lu Min left the group toward his friend, shortly after that Wang Yu also left toward his room, he wanted to start the painting of Ah Du.