Finishing the painting

Those days Wang Yu didn't have much to do, so he spent most of his time painting. After being together with his companions for some time, he started to dislike staying alone, so he would go with them to the training field and paint.

His life was simple, spending most of his time painting, or sitting and watching his companions train.

Right now he was watching Lu Min and Lu Fu train, Lu Min stood one eye open holding his bow with his left hand, and the arrow with his right hand. He spent some time in this position forgetting about the environment, forgetting about anything besides a little bird that was flying far from him, he was waiting for the right moment.

Wang Yu stood there contemplating, he only has this level of concentration while painting, he tried to be in the same state while training with the sword but he couldn't.

While Wang Yu was contemplating he suddenly heard the sound of the arrow being released, shortly afterward the bird fell. Looking back to Lu Min he took another bow and pointed in another direction this time he was aiming at the tree leaves that fell.

Wang Yu enjoyed watching those moments of concentration, when he was young he would always sit and watch his grandfather paint, he wasn't the active kid who liked to play and do childish things, he was the opposite, and he liked staying in the calm places.

Wang Yu then left Lu Min and went to watch Qu Shi and Ah Shu who would duel all the time since Qu Shi's breakthrough.

"Clang." Unlike before when Ah Shu would dodge most of Qu Shi's attacks, now he has to fully focus and use his sword to parry her attacks he would even attack her sometimes. Nonetheless, there was still a difference in strength and speed, after all, Qu Shi had only stepped into the silver tier a few days ago. But in terms of skill Qu Shi was better than him, this is why he had to use his sword to parry some attacks.

Wang Yu stood there watching their duel, fully concentrated he didn't want to miss anything, after all, he's also a swordsman and after what happened the last time, he had decided to train way harder than before no matter what he had to become stronger, so now that he can't train he would watch them in hope of gaining an epiphany, at least to improve his comprehension, after all it hasn't been a month since he entered the sect. In this short period he had seen a lot of things and nearly died, he also learned about the law of jungle where the strong eats the weak, if he was talented or had some big background he wouldn't have been forced to become a servant, not talking about big background even a little would have helped avoid going to a dangerous place like the Darkness Forest.

"Wang Yu, you've been watching for some time what do you think about my skills," asked Qu Shi, wanting to get some praise, she was finally able to fight on the same level as Ah Shu.

"You're awesome big sister, your swordplay is the best in the world." Said Wang Yu.

"You're right," said Qu Shi who had started to heat up after the praise, she was going to do her best.

Wang Yu stood there watching as they continued their duel. After watching for some time he had the urge to train with the sword, but remembering the doctor's words he sighed and went to his room he wanted to finish the painting since he had promised both Lu Fu and that old man to make the painting.

Wang Yu continued this way each day he would wake up early and start painting, after a few hours he would go to the canteen with the company of his friends, he would then follow them to the training field to see them train.

Time flies fast and today, the group was going to hunt but this time both Wang Yu and Ah Du weren't participating, nevertheless they accompanied them to the door.

"Don't forget to go to the canteen, you have to eat well with this frail body of yours, you won't be able to protect yourself much less protect us." Said Qu Shi to Wang Yu, she was reluctant to go without this boy who resembled her little brother.

"Alright, I will." Said Wang Yu feeling a little sentimental.

"Don't forget that I'm here, I won't let him die from hunger." Joked Ah Du.

"You too should behave yourself well. Don't create a problem when we aren't here." Snorted Ah Shu, before walking out of the gate toward the forest followed by the others.

"Take care of yourselves." said both Wang Yu and Ah Du.

After they disappeared from their eyesight, Ah Du looked at Wang Yu and said "It seems like we're the only ones left here."

Wang Yu nodded his head.

"What are you going to do now," asked Ah Du.

"Well your painting is half-finished just some final touches and it would be done" answered Wang Yu happily, he's expecting to finish the painting today.

"That's good to hear I would like to see it myself."

"Not now you have to wait till tomorrow." Responded Wang Yu smugly.

"Oh, oh then I will have to wait." Ah Du doesn't understand Wang Yu, sometimes he is too mature for his age, sometimes as childish as to be expected from a thirteen years old kid.

After that they walked together before parting each toward his room.

Entering the room, the first thing Wang Yu did was to continue the painting. After some time he heard someone knocking on the door, it was the old doctor who wanted a painting of himself.

"Young man, it seems that I've interrupted you." Looking at the painting and at Wang Yu's hand holding a branch the old man could deduce that he had been busy painting before his entry.

"No problem, if you can wait for a few minutes I'll finish this painting?" Said Wang Yu.

The old man nodded his hand, sat down, and carefully watched Wang Yu while he was painting. The painting was half-finished, it depicted a man with a strong body who had a spear and was fighting mightily against a big black wolf, the young man's fighting spirit and his lack of fear were depicted perfectly by the painting. The old man was watching attentively for fear of missing any detail. He had lived for a long time, but had never met such a talented painter. Thinking about how this talented boy with a frail body had to hunt inside the Darkness Forest made him sigh.

"That's a good painting, I'm sure he will like it." Said the old man.

Wang Yu was happy to hear the old man's compliment, before he could say anything in response he heard the old man "Young man, I like the painting but I would like to know if it's just your imagination, or you depicted something that had truly happened."

"It's real, for those kinds of paintings it's better to paint reality. Even though I could paint him stronger and more valorous than the reality, the painting won't be truly his."

"That's true, so if you don't have much to do, could you follow me for today." Asked the old man, he knew he didn't have much time left so if he could leave a good painting of him to his descendant that would be a good thing.

After a moment of thought Wang Yu nodded his head and said "No problem but I will first bring the painting to my companion, then I will follow you for today."

The old man was happy, so he said "Go, young man, I will wait for you here, don't let me wait for a long time ."

Wang Yu then left hurriedly with the painting, which he gave to Ah Du and told him that he was going to accompany the old man in case he came searching for him, he then hurriedly returned to his room.