Geri went back to loading up his arm with books while Laurence continued to set up a makeshift bomb. After a few minutes, Geri was beside the Horotech looking at what he'd done. "Looks like all you did was string 'em up together like Christmas lights."
"Pretty much exactly," said Laurence in a distracted voice. He was sprinkling some powder over a strand of the metal wire from a tube. Satisfied with the amount, he replaced the stopper in the tube, and tucked it away under his robe. "Mr. Reynolds, I wonder if you would be so kind as to scout the swiftest escape route to the Papal Gardens from our current location?" His voice was calm, but there was a slight edge to it that got through to Geri.
"...shit." Geri cautiously slid around Laurence then rushed back down the row of shelves leaving Laurence to whatever he was going to do with that small bottle of liquid, and the strip of cloth he was inserting into it.