Chapter 52: Pirates Indeed

"I have had little time to study these." Alex leaned forward to remove the top ledger from the stack of three on the table. She wanted to turn the conversation into safer territory. Since she was dressed more casually in just her jodhpurs and a tank top, the movement showed off the curve of her hip along with a view of her chest. Such things were lost on Nigel, and Alex knew it. Had she been expecting anyone else she would have dressed more modestly if only for their comfort. Laurence never would have stopped blushing.

"What I have looked at is concerning." She looked at Nigel as she held the ledger out to him, her expression flattening into disapproval. Each ledger was bound in dark grey leather, plain of markings on the front cover but on the spine dates were listed underneath the Naviwerks logo with its stylized crimson N blended cleverly with an hourglass.