Warm, low lighting from electric bulbs designed to simulate the look of gas flames emanated from brass sconces on the dark wood panels that divided the plain rose-colored wallpaper. The quiet hiss of steam through the iron radiators was overpowered by the scratch of the Victrola needle against a pressed vinyl disc as she turned the crank on the side of the box to set the turntable spinning. Her lithe fingers picked up the crystal snifter that sat next to the music box and brought it to her lips for a sip of the fine, aged cognac within. She walked away just as a piano chord clinked out the measure four times sharply then repeated the beat in a single chord progression. The musician repeated this before a drumbeat began, and it was all joined by a bass and a clarinet that established a haunting melody. By the time she draped herself on the fainting couch another piano plinked out the downbeat with notes in a lower octave.