Boss fight-2

Shit ! Shit ! shit ! What is no valuable in this dungeon that such a monster is selected as the boss monster . Who in the right mind decided to make Zinogre a boss monster .

I condensed mana around my leg to hold it in place and not make it worse than it already is .

The pain was so unimaginable that I felt like cutting my leg off . My instincts kicked in as I moved as fast as I could to dodge the attack to my face . The attack made a giant hole in the wall behind me .

The beast jumped towards Finral and the others but I casted the strongest shield around them and started firring spells at it .

[ Flame creation magic : Phoenix missile ]

Boom ! boom ! boom !

Explosions occurred all over the body of the beast but it did almost no damage expect enraging the beast more .

The beast ignored the others and jumped on me again . I flew towards it momentarily dodging its claws and stabbed its body with my dagger and wings on various spots on its body breaking the lightning cloak which made him bleed and release a cry and shoot electricity through its tail .

Its tail clashed with my dagger again releasing a shock wave in the entire cave slamming the fainted ones into the wall .

Zinogre opened its mouth an released another roar but this time instead of increasing the pressure lightning spikes formed all over the roof which shot towards me like a missiles .

I constantly used [phoenix missiles] , [ large fireballs] , [flame bullets] , [ arrow of destiny ] …..etc towards the lightning bolts and on the dragon with infusing them with higher flames . Explosions rang around the entire chamber filling the beasts vision with light .

I dashed towards the fainted people and casted 2-3 blazing shields around them to at least avoid some injuries .

I shot a vortex of flames towards it along with slashes but clashed against its tail creating an explosion .Taking the chance I applied law to my flames and covered the beast in flames successfully activating the effect . The flames would keep burning till the beast has mana . But this enraged the beast more as the lethality of its attack increased even more . If it attacked me in a stable manner a while ago ,now it rampaged around the chamber . The pain from its skin getting melted was so much that the beast kept roaring and discharging electricity .

This continued for a few minutes but I was in a loosing end . The tail and claws are too fast for me to dodge . My body was full of injuries with blood covering my entire body . Its back shined and hundreds of electric blades shot towards me . The seer speed and no. was enough to overwhelm me . If that was no enough the beast shot another beam hitting me in the chest making me crash into the pyramid .

I coughed up blood as I felt short on breath . That attack cracked my ribs and my left hand but giving up here wasn't an option . Our mana pressure clashed the entire fight creating sparks all around the chamber , the moment I dropped my mana pressure I die .

I needed something to dodge its attacks. My KI wasn't fast enough to sense the attacks .

I realized that I had crashed near the top of the pyramid where the floating thing was . I moved my body with difficulty and saw that the pure black orb. The only option remaining was to use the reward if the dungeon permitted it . The beast saw that I was going for the orb and jumped at me ….

I felt the attraction of my mana core to the orb get out of control for that moment . With no option left I went for the orb .

The moment I touched them with my bloody hands , everything froze for a moment including myself . I felt a soft whisper reaching me ears with giving me an unknown nostalgic feeling.

" ….Not everyone is blessed with strong magic , not everyone is created equally . But that's the responsibility of the blessed to protect the weak . ...If you want to be strong fuel you magic with every bit of your emotion . Never take the path of despair , there is always a way out my child …..I will always be with you …. " . My mana surged as if reacting to those words .

The orb floated and divided itself into two orbs . One of them entered my mana core and the other entered my forehead .

Intense pain filed my abdomen as I felt dense coming our of my mana core and enter my head that filled my eyes with pain too . What I didn't realize was two dots formed at the center of my red eyes and a back comma revolving around them


:: Sharingan unlocked::


Sharingan ? What the hell is happening !!

How can this be in this world I thought with still pain in my eyes and abdomen . I remembered the symbols I saw on the walls were indeed the symbol of sharingan I remember from my past life .

I didn't get to celebrate as the moment the pain subsided , time continued again .I didn't get to focus on the changes as the tail came towards me .

But to my surprise I found that my eyesight was clearer than before and I could see the tail coming in slow motion and its trajectory .

I dodged the attack successfully and attacked by forming my own flame fist , throwing the best away from me . I realized that my mana control and power of my flames increased to a new level .

Zinogre released another roar as the lightning cloak on his body became denser as if telling ' how dare you take that ' . Its eyes completely turned deep blue as I felt like it started loosing its mind .

"BRING IT ONNN!!!!!! " I screamed as I increased my mana pressure and coated my body in reinforcement mana .

With the new found power and I focused the rest of my energy and emotions into my daggers making them completely dark red and engaged in the last fight which decided my fate .

The only thing I had in my mind was to win and kill the thing that was in front of me .Who even kept this eye here you have my gratitude …

With my improved vision and mana control I dodged its attacks perfectly and made large cuts on its limbs chirping away its lightning cloak .

The beast roared in pain and attacked with its tail which I easily and severed its tail with the strongest slash I could muster . The effect of evolved flames activated as red flames started burning the places I cut with the dagger .

The red light in my eye shined as I casted another strong spell..

[Flame magic : Eruption ]

The dragon was blasted in the air but it balanced itself and slashed its claws at me.

" Ting " " Ting " " Ting "

The dragon's claws my daggers collided creating large sparks but this time the dragon was getting pushed back .

" BUUURNNNN" Intense wave of red flames were released from my body covering the entire beast .

The clash of spells began again but red flames were able to dominating the blue lightning .

I rotated my body and slashed my red flame clad dagger severing one of its limbs . The wings behind my blasted missiles into the wound . I did the same with the other limb and started slashing its back breaking away its spikes .

The beast screamed and released blue lightning all over the chamber but I persisted and kept attacking ..

I dashed towards its head with daggers emerging under my feet and with each step damaging its body . My core ached as I drew more mana but I ignored it as I readied my last spell and slashed at its head my strongest spell .

" Flame magic: Dawn" the slash took form of a phoenix illuminating the entire cave red and sliced his head creating an outburst of mana slamming me to the wall .

The defeated beast got divided into countless mana particles and flew around and formed a portal I concluded was the exit . As the effect of adrenaline ended , pain filled my entire body .

Before the portal was made I absorbed some of the mana to replenish my reserves . I hurried as I didn't knew that whether the dungeon will remain after taking the artifact so I somehow woke up Finral first with difficulty and told him to gather everyone and take us through the portal along with the pyramid . As the effect of adrenaline ended , terrible pain filled my entire body .

He was freaked out with my condition but still did as I said .I casted phoenix robe on me before finally loosing consciousness due to the terrible pain and tiredness .


In the castle in witch forest the witch queen was holding a holding a strange device which turned red . " You finally awakened you power " she muttered softly .

" You must have a lot of questions ….take as long as you like …I would be waiting for you "