
Finral POV :

I clenched my fist in frustration as I saw Julian lying in front of me .

My heat ached seeing his condition .His entire body was bathed in blood with his leg was supported with reinforcement magic ….why I am I so useless ….he suffered so much because I couldn't do anything ….he fought for our safety giving his everything .

At least I will do what he ordered me to do . As I saw the portal to the outside opening I could finally connect my spatial magic to the outside world . I enveloped everyone into my magic except Julian and thew them outside . The next was the entire pyramid of gold and the statues .

After doing that I exited the dungeon with Julian in my arms . I could see that he had activated his healing spell phoenix robe so his life wasn't in danger .

As I exited the dungeon I could see a lot of magic knights of different squads . Before I could any anything the 3 people from Golden Dawn surrounded me .

" What did you do to our squad member answer me you bastard !!!"

" Answer me you filth or don't blame for being rude …" shouted another one activating his magic .

Don't the see the situation ….don't they see the condition of the person in my arms …how heartless can you be .

" …How can you say something like that ,cant you see the situation !! "

This enraged them even more " You mere Black Bull member dare talk back to me !!! " As they prepared to cast spells on my I saw that vines emerged from the ground covering their entire body decapitating them . On closure look a lot of blue roses were growing out of the vines ….this could only mean..

"Do not forget basic human behavior Golden Dawn …seems like I will need to have a talk with your captain " said a woman who approached me .

" Captain Charlotte !" I exclaimed .

" You must be Finral .."

" How do you know my name ? " I asked as I never did anything to be known . If I was any other moment I would have been very happy as a lady as beautiful as her knows my name but now was not the time for that .

" I know everyone's name who participated in the dungeon dive . Quickly bring your squad member to the healer …we can talk latter " said Charlotte

" Yes mam ! "


Third person POV :

On soft platforms made of mana , 5 people were laid down with some bandages . They were Julian and the rest who haven't woken up yet .

" How is his condition ? " asked Finral the healer who was examining Julian from afar . Unlike others who could be examined freely Julian had a red cloak around him which tried burned anyone who approached him except Finral . That was Julian's passive spell that would only allow the person he absolutely trusted to touch him when he was either sleeping or unconscious . The healer made Finral bandage his legs and other major injuries .

" Hmm, I can see that he had casted a healing spell before loosing consciousness . Unlike the others he fainted because he overexerted himself . His injuries have started healing with his bone cells regenerating .He should wake up after 3-4 days of rest . I have prescribed some elixirs ,this should fasten the process . "

Finral offered his gratitude . Hearing he was fine was a relief for Finral . He learned from the magic knights present there that when they entered the dungeon , the portal had closed so reinforcements were called . He was fortunate that captain of the Blue Rose was there to control the situation with the Golden Dawn .


A little far from the resting place Charlotte , the captain of Blue Rose and a dark skinned woman Sol was watching a projection from a small device . The scene the device was projecting was Julian's fight against Zinogre .

This device had recording of the entirety of the dungeon dive from the perspective of Letoile . This was the device that was beeping when Julian was fighting .

" His boy got some good moves , right ne-san ? " said Sol turning towards Charlotte

" Call me captain Sol and yes his powers are beyond someone of his age " said Charlotte but she had a lot going on her mind .

' I think the four leaf boy did the right thing going to Yami's squad . I can see Yami's move sets in the way he swings his daggers . I heard that he was a commoner but his mana is comparable to a royal , most probably abandoned son of some sort of noble or son of a royal concubine . Others may not see clearly but as a captain I can clearly see that how much power each of his spells had .

What was that orb that entered his body , based on observation it gave him a major boost in strength ,speed and awareness . But this is not equivalent to the risk the dungeon had , I hope the strange stones I saw with the gold is worth . If there is more , it could only be uncovered when he wakes up . '