Strange dream

Julian's POV:

After an unknown amount of time, I opened my eyes and found myself in what I could infer was a battlefield, dyed red with blood and corpses. The stench of the battle was horrifying, and seeing so many corpses made me feel suffocated.

The place looked and felt so real that for a moment, I believed I was truly there. The smell of fresh blood entered my nose, giving me a feeling of dread. I could feel the aftereffects of the mana clash through my skin.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The sound of someone stepping on the blood reached my ears as I turned around. Behind me was a man with blood-red eyes, which had a black triangle within them that turned into three commas revolving around a dot. The man was bathed in blood, clutching his shoulder with one arm while his other arm was missing. A part of his stomach was missing, revealing his insides.

As the man got closer, two blurry figures appeared beside me—one male and one female.

The children looked almost identical, like twins. They had tears in their eyes, but only the boy had red eyes like the adult, while the girl had green eyes. I somehow felt all of the boy's emotions: anger, sorrow, regret—everything. The boy seemed familiar to me. He had a black comma rotating around a central black dot in his eye.

The man scooped out his eyes and held them against the boy's eyes. Surprisingly, the two eyes merged together, but the pattern in the boy's eye didn't change; it was still one comma rotating around the central dot.

The man kneeled near them and hugged them with one arm.

"Run and don't look back," he said before his body fell near their feet.

As soon as the man fell, the scene in front of me started breaking like glass. Finally, everything disappeared, and I found myself in my room at the Black Bulls' base.

I sighed in relief as I woke up from that dream and approached the mirror in my room.

What I saw were dried tears around my red eyes. I realized that I now had a channel directly from my mana core to my eye. I put mana in my eyes, and a black dot with a comma around it appeared, activating my Sharingan. My vision was clearer than ever. I summoned a fireball and found that I could see how the mana circulated to give rise to the fireball.

So it was true after all. I received something that I never expected in this already logic-defying world.

I saw my body was enveloped in bandages. Upon close inspection, my healing magic managed to heal all the injuries except for my leg, which hadn't completely healed yet. A week of continuous healing magic should do it.

So it was a reality, after all, I sighed to myself. The scene I saw must have been someone's memory. Most probably the boy's.

Although my core was in solid yellow, the walls were much thicker and sturdier. My mastery over the spells I used in battle had increased a lot.

I exited my room and entered the cafeteria, where I found everyone.

They saw me, and I was tackled to the ground by Finral and Vanessa.

"I was so worried about you back then when you fainted. You were sleeping for four whole days," said Finral.

"I changed your clothes. Hope you don't mind," Vanessa said going for a hug. 

"Ouu! Wait, my bones aren't healed yet," I cried out.



I thanked them and described the complete fight after Finral fainted to everyone while eating. Finral described what I missed after I fainted.

Yami stopped reading his newspaper and said, "Haha, brat, you surpassed your limits in the fight. Good job!"

"The Wizard King has called everyone involved in the mission, including all the captains, to a meeting tomorrow. Be ready."

Yami said that he already knew the details about the fight as one of the Golden Dawn members had a recording device. So the beeping device with Langris was a recording device.

He asked me about the black orb, and I described some basic features of the Sharingan that I had acquired, like reading movements, as I trusted everyone here.