Rill's painting

In a room of the Aqua deer base Rill Boismortier could be seen holding a paintbrush and thinking about his next painting . In the same room was Walter , his butler who was preparing something to drink for Rill.

He put the cup of tea on the table near Rill and asked " Why did you ask him to be your friend master Rill ? "

Rill who started to draw on the canvas said " Felt like he would be a good friend , moreover his magic was cool in spite of being such a common attribute. I wanted to find someone to hang out with between my duties and he seemed nice "

"That's a borderline answer , what was the real reason young master ? "

"Say Walter , if someday your achievements were to be acknowledged by the captains , what would you fell ? " Rill asked

"Pride , arrogance or develop superiority complex ."

Rill put down his paintbrush and picked up the cup of tea .

"Correct , that would be for most of us but for Julian , it was only pride .. His eyes held curiosity ,humbleness ,thirst for power and immense pride .People like him either achieve greatness or bring disaster , I am excited to see the outcome . That boy has grasped the law of magic , unlocked mana pressure at an age which is impossible theoretically . Not even I have unlocked mana pressure .

If people called me genius , what would you call him . I have read about his background and mission reports , people like him are required in the magic knights . Those royals and nobles are too prideful for their own good . "

Rill looked towards Walter and saw him shedding tears " Wh-why are you crying ?"

" Seems like becoming a captain made you more mature young master " said Walter wiping away his tears

" Stop embarrassing me ..I am not immature "

After drinking what Walter brought, he started his painting again while Walter waited for him to finish . After a while Rill finished his painting and what uncovered was a majestic scene of Zinogre standing on a platfrom looking down on an army of animals who bowed their head . The level of details so high that it looked as if the beast was alive and would jump out of the canvas any moment .

" How is it Walter ? "

" Its beautiful young master "

" Please give this painting to my mother ,she would love adding another painting of ancient beast to her collection ."

" Yes young master "


Few days latter

A messenger entered Rill's room and informed that a spatial mage from the king's palace was here to pick him up . After going though the portal Rill reached the castle . Without any hindrance Rill moved inside the castle while the maids and servants bowed to him . After waking for a few minutes he came to a small garden where a round table was placed along with a large umbrella over it .There sat 4 people , one was a woman with light blue hair , another woman with blond hair ,while the last two were two girls around the age of 10 . One had light blue hair while the other had blonde hair but both looked exactly similar . Seeing Rill arriving the girls ran towards him and gave him a hug

" Rill big brother !!! "

"How is my little sisters doing " Rill said cheerfully

" we are doing fine " said the blond haired one

"we made a painting we wanted to show you " said the blue haired one .

The blue haired woman looked towards Rill and said " Tate ! Liza! give big brother Rill some space. You can play with him after a while "

" Yes mother " both of them said while taking a seat around the blue haired woman . The blond haired girl was Tate , while the blue haired one was Liza .

Rill went towards them and bowed

" Its been a while empress Tiona , aunt Vivi "

"~fu ~fu its been a while since a saw you Rill .You must be really busy after being promoted to a captain. " said the blond haired woman . She is Tiona Kira Clover , the first wife of the current King of the Clover Kingdom .

"Yes-Yes he is so busy that he doesn't get time to visit his aunt anymore " said the blue haired woman pouting . She is Vivi Kira Clover , the second queen and Rill's blood aunt. Tate and Liza are her twin daughter .

Rill began playing with the two girls with his magic while talking to the two queens.

" That reminds me , where did prince Lucis go ? did he sneak out again ? " Rill asked

Tiona's eyes turned blue for a moment then returned to normal .

"Yes he has sneaked away again, I cannot locate him in the castle .I know what he is doing is good but as a mother I cannot give away my worries . "

" Don't worry too much ,I know Wizard King doesn't go hard on him more over he has that amulet in case of emergency ." assured Rill .


Mean while on the roads of the noble realm , a handsome blond haired boy around the age of 16 could be seen walking . He was Lucis Kira Clover , son of Tiona and Augustus Kira Clover , the current prince of Clover Kingdom . Lucis looked around and when he saw that no one was looking he sent mana to the upper button on his shirt . The button shined and his face got covered in a layer of mana , in the span of few seconds his handsome face became a mediocre face with his hair turning brown from blond along with his voice becoming deeper .

" Yosh ! another excited day away from annoying people. Lets get to work "

Where ever his eyes went , large castles and lawns can be seen. The Royals and high ranking noble families lived in this place. The noble realm was divided into two parts , the center having all the royal house and the outer part all the noble houses surrounding it .

Lucis entered a fancy shop and sat at one table . Opposite to him sat a beautiful girl who was sipping tea from a fancy cup .

" Yo Olivia ! "

" What took you so long Lucis ? " the girl asked

"You know my condition Olivia , my mother is too over protective moreover big brother Rill was visiting the castle today so I had to sneak out without him noticing ."

" Fair enough , we will do the same today too right ? "

" Yes , lets go "