A different step

Few days before the event with the bandits

Julian POV :

The more I explore, the more I realize how bad the situation truly is . Although slavery is banned in paper , noble households still use slaves in hidden .

There is a lot of politics involved in magic knights too . Most of the low paying missions are ignored . There are hundreds of small villages and towns throughout the kingdom but only a few of them receive help .

The discrimination is a concerning matter too as the Royals think themselves as gods and expect commoners to bow to them .Many times in magic knight exams when a noble is defeated by a commoner or lower birth , they magically disappear and everybody knows what that means .

I am grateful to the Black bulls as I don't have to deal with the nobles as because of the bad reputation they stay away from me .

After doing a lot of missions and contributions my rank was upgraded to 2nd class junior magic knight .

During the missions I got used to my [sharingan] abilities . Creating spells using [sharingan] turned out to be more difficult than expected . I can paralyze , make someone sleep etc. but I have no talent in the field of illusions .

One of the most important things I developed was mind control . Because my eyes were in the first stage , the effect was not strong and it was ineffective against someone with mana mana pressure . For my mind control to work I first needed to weaken someone's mind with mana pressure first or it wouldn't work .

I decided to improve this ability as it was beneficial in the long run .

With [sharingan] I could see the trajectory of attacks and see them in slow motion . It was useful against spars with Luck and Manga but still useless against Yami as his speed was to fast to capture even with [sharingan] . I cannot copy someone's movements or spells yet .

Unlike the anime , my [sharingan] wasn't fueled with chakra but pure mana coming from my mana core . Mana that my body produced had no effect on it . I concluded that it had something to do with the orb that entered my mana core .

Unlocking the 2 forms of flair wings was very beneficial to me . The first form gave me easier time while flying than jet flames and took less stamina . This form was suitable for normal usage along with the ability to create a large number of projectiles at an instant .

The second form was more combat oriented , it was fast , and gave more options of maneuvering in battles. Although the number of projectiles that could be summoned at a moment was less, the power behind them made up for it stronger than the previous form . In terms of damage, if the first form could make a big hole , the second form could slice the rock in half; in short , the first form had raw power while the second had sharpness.

Anyway back to my personal life , currently I am planning a trip to the wild with Leopold . Few days ago when I told him about my adventure in the wild , he wanted to experience that too as his sister trains most of the time in the wild .

He was sheltered from birth so he doesn't know the environment of the wild . He asked me to be his guide .

After a few weeks of small missions here and there I took a vacation for some time and Leopold did the same . We packed some extra clothes and spices for staying in the forest . I didn't forget to carry a communicator with me if something urgent comes up .

"Ready ?" I asked .

"Yes ! Let's go!" he shouted cheerfully .

"On the way we will stop at various villages .You want to lead your squad and become an ideal magic knight right , so you have to see the life of the population you are supposed to protect ".

He agreed to my plan and we began our journey .

I used wings while he flew on a broom and sometimes tried to copy the jet flames by taking inspiration from me . On the way to the grand magic zone we crossed many small towns and villages and I showed him the lifestyle . He was a little sad by seeing their condition which made him more determined to become a better knight .

On top of that a pack of boars running , small rivers and forests , flower gardens etc in short It was a nice break apart from our daily lives . After 5 days we came to the last village almost 15 km away from the grand magic zone .

When we entered the village and found that there was decoration all around .

We entered a tea stall connected to a house and ordered two cups .

"Mister , if there some event going on in the town " I asked the manager

" It's been a long time since we had a visitor that took magic knights . Yes we are having a celebration for building a school . My son had a good job in the city so he funded to build a school . "

Unlike me who was taught in the church and Leopold with his hired teachers , peasants don't get education . There are schools in the capital but they have very high fees and discrimination among the students so that's out of option . So , Building a school for children was really a big event . I explained to Leopold .

After a while a lady not less than 30 years , a boy around the age of 13 and a girl around 10 entered with our tea and snacks .

" Welcome to our village , we haven't seen a magic knight in ages so my son was excited to meet you " said the lady with the girl hiding behind her back and taking a few glances .

Cute , I thought . She reminds the children of the church .

Her son cheerfully said, " Big brothers, are you those magic knights that help people .I want to become a magic knight someday and protect my village ."

" My name is Sam , I will become famous and make this village a big town " said the boy with a broad smile .

" Sure as long as you work hard you can become anything" I said while shuffling his hair .Poor boy he doesn't know the reality yet .

Peasants with low mana and skills have almost zero chance in becoming magic knights and even if they become they won't survive long if not in low profile squads like black bulls or Praying mantis .

Later I got to know that he was grandson of the manager of the stall and son of the person who funded the school .

We stayed till the night and enjoyed the event . First the village chief cut the ribbon to the door with people cheering . At night people danced around a camp fire while all the children sang songs in a chorus . I felt a little nostalgic as we used to celebrate a successful harvest in Hage too .

Leopold was fascinated as it was his first time seeing this . We decided to donate some money and got blessings from the older folks . We set out the next morning to continue our journey .