Harsh reality

We entered the grand magic zone by the evening as we took it slow to enjoy the scenery . I saw a wild rabbit and asked him to hunt it . Wild rabbits are larger than my previous life , here they are as large as a dog with sharp teeth which can even crack rocks .

Leopold brough the rabbit corpse but it could not be said to be a rabbit anymore . " See I did it "

" What the hell are you doing idiot ! there is nothing there to eat anymore . You have burnt the entire thing completely !! "

I showed him the correct way to hunt and later on had dinner of grilled rabbit with spices which I learned to prepare from Charmy . The food was different from what he ate so it was enjoyable . His survival skills were terrible , he easily got sneak attacked by beasts and was bad at camping . I prepared two tents with hardened mana for us to sleep .

"We have the same magic type but your level of development is way above mine" confessed Leopold . Unlike me he didn't have any talent for hardening his flames , I heard the not even Fuegoleon can do that . Not so rare as mana pressure but the ability to harden mana is also considered rare . As far as I know only Nozel among the captains can do that . Well Rill is an exception as painting magic can create anything out of his imagination .

I showed him different approaches to hunting , gave him some knowledge and showed him different habitats of animals like the leopard, Elephants , and normal Lions as mana best of that species were rare .

We didn't go into the inner region as it would be dangerous .That was the nest of hundreds of high tier mana beasts . I could survive but I was not so sure about him as he didn't have experience . We came across anemo and hydro wyverns too . Seeing them revived a memory of the hunting trip from few years back . Leopold could defeat the anemo one with some difficulty but got suppressed by the hydro one so I had to step in . The hydro was present near the river so he was in a disadvantageous position too as the wyvern could manipulate water from the river to attack him .

The hydro ones were didn't look much different from the anemo ones but had dark blue scales in place of green . Their attack powers and abilities were higher than the anemo ones . I searched but didn't come across the ground and fire type ones .

I made him fight many of them and I ensured that he didn't set the forest on fire accidentally .

The irregular mana flow in the forest messed with his control but I was fine as my control was much greater .

We found a tree famous for giving very delicious fruits . It could only be eaten after removing the poison from it but Leopold already took a bit off it before I could warn him . What followed was itchiness all over his body . Fortunately the juice made from the roots of the same tree was the cure for itchiness . I made several holes in the fruit and washed the fruit a water body to remove the poison . The taste of the fruit was worthy of its fame . Unfortunately we could not take the fruit back as it only remains fresh for 1 hour after plucking , after which it becomes uneatable . This is why this fruit is not sold in the market but some people plant in their backyard to eat immediately .

We played near a river , had competition who could catch more fish which I won as Leopold lost patience , saw the spectacular view of fireflies and song of birds during the night . We stayed in the forest for a total of seven days . During the stay he somewhat mastered the jet flames and took some more inspiration from me . He knows that he is weaker than me by a lot so he always tells me to train him .

On the way we decided to stop by the village as the sky had gotten dark .


But when we went near the village , I felt something wrong as I detected no life signatures .

When we got close I was shocked by the condition . Half the village was burnt with almost all houses destroyed . Red stream of blood flowed through the village while piles of dead bodies were around .

Almost naked half burnt dead bodies of girls piled in one place and I knew what happened to them .

Leopold couldn't handle the scene and emptied his stomach .

I went near the tea stall and found something that broke my heart and a mother and child dead in each other's embrace with a sword going through their abdomen . Seemed that she tried to take the hit in place of her son but failed . There were two more dead people, a young and an old man whose stall was this .

A nightmare that I wanted to forget gripped my heart as I was reminded of something from my past life that I could never forget .

Scenes began to play in my head .

' I will become a magic knight' ...'god bless you '...'the children will have a better future '….'.i am proud of my son' …. the song … the happy faces .

The voice of the happy kids ranged in my ears as I stood there motionless .

Everything disappeared in a spawn of days . Why did this happen , why would someone do this , did they not deserve happiness , how could someone be so heartless I thought biting my lips drawing a drop of blood .

Living in a peaceful world in my previous life and living in a proper condition in this life made me forget the reality of life . I forgot the daily life of the unblessed , I forgot about their luck , I forgot if you are not strong enough you will get squashed like nothing .

Whoever did this ,I will find you and show you your worst nightmares I committed to myself

Leopold arrived on the scene and was speechless too as reality seemed to be too cruel for him . Someone who lived his life in shelter witnessing such a scene left a deep impact which shook him to his core .

We gave a proper burial to everyone and prayed for their peaceful passing .

I had already concluded who should have done this after investigating the whole village .

After the burial I turned to Leopold and said

"Leopold ,it's time for us to do the work of a real knight"