Secre Swallowtail 

It was the day before the grimoire ceremony in the village of Hage, Julian decided to visit the village. He planned to meet everyone after Asta and Yuno had received their grimoire, he had other reasons to visit the village too. After flying for a while Julian reached the demon skull which was his place of training till he was 10. Today he was here to bring Secre back with him. She was one of his favorite characters from the series. He felt bad seeing her suffer from loneliness and watching her master crumble to dust before her eyes. He wanted to help her.


It was just another day for Secre, the former human who had turned into an antibird due to the backlash of forbidden magic while sealing her master, the first wizard king. After fighting demon Licht, the first Wizard King Lumiere Silvamillion Clover had reached his end. Being her loyal servant, she couldn't see his master die so she used all the magic stones to seal his master. To seal the devil and her master, he had to sacrifice her humanity in exchange for greater sealing power after which her consciousness blanked out.

After an unknown period, she found that she had turned into an anti-bird when she opened her eyes. The statue of the wizard King was there but Licht's grimoire and the magic stones were all gone.

After waking up the first thing she saw was Asta and Yuno fighting against a drunkard followed by Julian saving them. As time went on, she saw three of them growing up, getting hurt, standing again. Their smiles brought gave her a nostalgic feeling, especially Julian.

Like his master, he was always busy experimenting with magic and different spells. Used to spend most of his time under the demon skull practicing or training. Sometimes she even saw Julian keep food for her when he saw Secre staring at him and gave a bright smile. Julian used to talk a lot about random things which Secre listened carefully.

Seeing him gave her a warm feeling. After a few of watching him, she saw her leaving the church which made her disheartened. She followed after him to the grand magic zone and saw his performance to prove himself. She couldn't follow Julian to the capital because their flying speed was too fast for her but there was nothing she could do.

She continued observing Asta and Yuno who regularly received letters from Julian. The letters were often read out loud so she also heard them. Hearing that he was doing fine made her relieved. A few years later she saw him returning to the Church to celebrate his 15th birthday. Although his appearance had become more charming his attitude didn't change. He still had the same love for everyone, the city didn't change him.

Today after picking fresh flowers for her master's statue flew near the statue but was surprised to see Julian there. He too had some flowers which he kept near her master.

She flew towards him and also kept the flowers she brought alongside his. Julian took out some specially made bird food and presented it to Secre. She didn't hesitate and started eating while sitting on his hand.

"I never said it but thanks for giving me a company all those years when I trained alone thank you for keeping an eye on Asta and Yuno for me.

Sorry, I couldn't meet you when I came last time," Julian said gently to Secre.

"I saw that you regularly kept flowers near his statue, you appreciate him too right ."

She nodded as if agreeing with him.

"It would be bad if I called you as a bird. From now on let me call you Secre, I read that the first wizard King had a helper with that name, so I named you after her "

Hearing this her eyes flickered along with a strange relief. Julian could feel her emotions in turmoil hearing that name, "seems like you liked that name.

Julian turned to the side, took out his grimoire, and showed it to Secre.

"See, I too got a four-leaf grimoire like the first wizard king "

Seeing the four-leaf clover her eyes widened in shock but deep inside her, she felt like she had expected it to happen. 'He is special after all 'she said to herself.

"Say Secre, you must be lonely alone watching everything from here. Would you like to come with me? I promise that I would take care of you "

Hearing this she didn't hesitate and agreed to go with him. Julian laughed and presented her with more food.

While eating a memory surfaced in her mind of the first wizard king.

"I don't know what lies in the future but I want to never waste a second to think and do whatever makes you happy Secre.

I will not always be there for you Secre, find someone whom you feel is the safest. "