Asta and Yuno

Julian POV :

Sitting on the branch of a tall tree I witness an iconic scene play out with an anti-bird on my shoulder.

A black-haired boy chained by a curly-haired man with a scar on his face. While another short white-haired boy appears on the scene and gets beaten up. At the same moment, the lights around that place darken and a grimoire appears in front of that boy releasing a big sword in front of that white-haired boy. He grabs the sword and hits the man with the chain whose defense didn't seem nullified by the sword. The man passes out with intense pain. The tree I was sitting on was not far from the scene while waiting for something to happen.

It has been sixteen years since I got reincarnated in this world. A lot of things happened during this time. Growing up at a church for 10 years to training in another church for the next five years, hunting for hunter's guild to meeting Yami, and finding a new family. Though there were ups and downs during missions, the overall journey was enjoyable.

From today onwards all the major events start. I had thought a lot about if I should stop the elf's reincarnation but finally decided not to.

Though this would get rid of greater foes like the word magic devil, a lot of people will die. I have no idea what happens in the story after the elf arc but I am sure that the situation will not be very positive. If Asta has a devil inside his grimoire so there is a possibility that there are more devils around ready to destroy everything. The elven power boost is a must need this currently.

I never considered myself a saint. The moment I took my first step towards my goal to become the strongest so that no one can influence my life, indifference took over me. Ambition and power are addicting things, by the time I realized what I was doing I had become indifferent to death and the sufferings of others to a small extent. I stopped caring too much unless it was related to the people I knew or the people around me. The condition of people varies too much, to cope with the mental pressure getting indifferent was one of the solutions I could find.

While I was thinking a heard footsteps and three people came into my range.

"Seems like Revchi failed, "said one of them

"tsk! useless, this guy is too overconfident with his magic. Let's go, you get rid of the brat while I grab those grimoires. Seems like the other runt got a good one too. "

Seems like my hunch was correct. Real-life is not as simple as the story. That guy Revchi has reinforcements. He was defeated because he was careless but Asta and Yuno would surely die if these three attacked.

The place from where three men were standing, red tentacles emerged from the ground binding them and stopping their movements. They panicked and tried to say something but the tentacles entered their mouth not allowing them to speak or move their tongue.

"Seems like I caught some grimoire thieves, can't let you shatter people's dreams can I " the captured men heard a voice and found themselves in front of two red eyes staring into their souls releasing a pressure never felt before. Their willpower couldn't handle the pressure and made them faint on spot.

"Well that solves it "

I was meeting Asta and Yuno after a year. After reincarnating I took everything as real so I never took them just any character in a story but real people so I loved them like real brothers.

A while ago

Third Person POV:

Asta was sitting on a branch and watching the sunset but he had a frown on his face.

'Damn it! I thought I would receive my grimoire today but I was met with the same disappointment again. But I won't give up. Although everyone at the church says that I should give up my dream but I know that just want me to be safe. I know how the world treats a person with less mana and me having no mana will have no place among the magic knights.

'Ah, I remember Julian nii promised that he would visit us today but why is he not here yet.'

But he was brought out of his thoughts as he saw Yuno getting attacked by two people and one of them being someone he saw in the grimoire ceremony. Asta knew that Yuno could handle them so he wasn't so worried.

"Sometimes I get very jealous of people that can use magic. I could cool stuff too but whatever I will get my powers someday too "

The fight went exactly as he predicted but what Asta didn't expect was a third person interfered and bind Yuno with chains making Yuno unable to use magic. The new guy picked up Yuno's grimoire and started to laugh like a maniac and slammed Yuno to the ground and based on the effect the slam was hard.

'Shit! this guy will kill Yuno if this goes on 'thought as he ran towards Yuno picking up a large stone from the road. Asta was not new to death as he witnessed many people die over the years.

Asta knows Yuno has a major weakness that he cannot use magic without moving his limbs which were tied up now.

Asta ran at full speed towards him ignoring everything on his way and aimed the stone at the man. The man sensed the stone and blocked it with his chains. Asta opened his other palm and threw some sand into the man's eyes which the man dodged easily. The man sent two chains towards Asta which he dodged but a third chain he didn't see hit him in the stomach drawing blood. This made him lose focus and the other two chains held him and slammed him to the nearby wall.

Asta felt intense pain and saw blood coming out from his stomach where the chain hit him. That man approached him and kicked Asta , Asta blocked with his hand while trying to pull the man down but a chain stabbed on his leg making him grit his teeth in pain. The man freed himself and kicked Asta on his shoulder.

Asta looked towards him with anger-filled eyes.

"What are you giving me that look for huh punk!

Aren't you that twerp that received no grimoire? To see someone so pathetic existed. You wanted to be the wizard king, right? with no mana."

Asta began resisting with his immense physical strength but more chains appeared stabbing at various places into this body.

"Give up, this world has nothing to offer to a magicless brat like you. You were born a loser. You should just die and wish to be born with a good amount of mana in next life ". Said Revchi as he created another chain and hit Asta.

Asta's vision blurred as he could feel the strength leaving his body …he seems right…I still haven't done anything …. what can I even do without magic…maybe. I am a loser… I should just give up ..'

" Who are you calling a loser! " Yuno shouted.

"Of course, he won't become the Wizard king, because it will be me "

'Shut up!'

"See even your friend doesn't believe in you, " said the man grinning

'Shut up!'

'Shut up!'


"He is not a loser,


Hearing those words ran an impulse through Asta. How could I forget our promise.? how could I forget my dream objective….. My oath no never gives up ..all that training I have gone through.

"huh! this magic-less brat your rival? Stop joking!"

'This guy is speaking too much. I will prove that I can do everything without magic. I will become the wizard king without magic and prove that you can do anything as long as you don't give up. I will become the strongest mage in the nation!'

With new filled energy and drive Asta held the man's leg with his strongest grip and threw him away from himself.

"Wait for me Yuno, I will beat the shit out of him and save you "

All of a sudden, the lights in front of Asta dimmed and from thin air, a book appeared in front of Asta, from it he felt a bond as if it was a part of him. A giant black rusted sword appeared in front of him from the book as if calling him to hold it. The moment Asta held the sword I knew what he had to do.


I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT!!! "shouted Revchi as chains shot towards Asta with speed faster than before.

Asta ignored him and swung the sword with all his strength towards him. The sword cut the chains like butter and hit his shoulder breaking it and throwing him towards the wall.

Seeing the effect of the sword on the chains Asta knew what power he got

'Anti magic'

The man didn't give up resistance and shot more chains at Asta which he destroyed effortlessly and finally stabbed in the sword on his shoulder.

He clenched his fist and planted him into the face of the man multiple times till he gave up resistance.

As if sensing Asta's will the sword returned to the grimoire. Asta was so happy that he didn't care about its appearance.

He showed Yuno his grimoire which made Yuno smile after a long time. Yuno walked in front of Asta, towards the sunset and spoke

"You are the one who gave me hope and a purpose in life. Do you remember our promise, Asta " by raising his fist

"of course, I remember, "Asta said by bumping out his fist

Yuno – to make everyone happy

Asta- to prove that anyone can become someone great even us, for that

Together: let's see who can become the wizard king first!

: Julian POV:

Watching something on a screen and live gives a different feeling. I still remember watching this scene with excitement with my sister. Sigh!, what a day those were.

I could see that Secre was in shock seeing their grimoire, especially Asta's. Why not it was Licht's grimoire which she was supposed to guard.

" Seems like you are shocked too, " I said to her.

I approached the two of them by holding three unconscious men by tentacles coming out of my back. This is a recent trick I learned, with this, I don't have to hold everything with my hand similar to Mereoleona.

" Seems like both of dealing with the problem "

"Julian ni !!"

they both shouted running towards me. Asta was so excited he forgot about his injury. I cast a phoenix robe on Asta reminding them about his injury which he seemed to have forgotten about.

I went towards Revchi and bonded him similarly along with the other three. I explained to both of them who the three men were.

Yuno took out his grimoire to show me along with Asta. I never informed them about what type of grimoire I received so showing them mine shocked them. Yuno was more surprised to see me getting a 4 leaf grimoire.

When we were chatting, I felt resonance with the other two grimoires but only for an instant. Does it have to do something with the gathering of 3 legendary grimoires, I thought. Though Asta has a five-leaf grimoire which he didn't seem to notice, it was a former 4 leaf one nonetheless. But those questions remained unanswered for now.