The village of Hage

I asked Asta and Yuno to move ahead, I would follow after a while. I took grabbed the thieves and dropped it nearest magic knight's camp around 20km from here. I have used restraining magic in a way that they cannot escape on their own. If they manage to escape, it's the fault of the magic knights there.

It was already dark by the time I dropped near the Church with a big bag. The door of the church opened and came out father with his priest attire. I saw him after a year but felt like more of his hair had turned white.

"I am back father "

"Welcome back Julian, come inside "although he said these words with a normal tone, I could sense his excitement and delight.

The church had changed a lot since I left the place almost 6 years ago. The walls are well built, the no. of rooms has increased with a library attached to it. The library was built with the help of all the villagers for the education of the younger generation. Usually, sister Lily and Father teach children every weekend, a plan to build a formal school was been going on. Walls have been built around the village with an increase in the number of inhabitants and houses.

As soon as I entered the church all the children jumped on me. As they were asking me for gifts I opened the big bag I was carrying and distribute different kinds of toys and food items to everyone.

The night was spent with stories and laughter. Everyone congratulated Asta and Yuno for getting their grimoire but when I took out my grimoire, everyone had their mouth wide open seeing another 4 leaf clover grimoire.

The next morning Asta and Yuno challenged me to a fight but got their ass handed to them. Yuno had a few spells which could be considered strong but all of them were neutralized before they even came near me for example his tornado was immediately destroyed by an opposite spinning tornado I made inside his. His wind arrows were destroyed by a wave of mana. As for Asta, his anti-magic sword didn't even manage to touch me. Asta needs to learn to swing his sword properly or it's useless if his attacks don't connect. The level they have reached now has some of my contributions too, as I regularly sent training plans to them through letters.

Even the weakest Black Bulls member can clap both of them due to the large experience gap. They knew I was strong but not this strong, even we had a difference of 1 year in our age but the power gap was too much. This fired them up nonetheless as surpassing me was always one of their goals.

Even after some height training, Asta's height didn't grow much (5'3). Yuno was taller than most people at his age(around 5'6) while I was 6'2.

(A/c: A lot of people told that Mc was short when he was 5'7 at the age of 15, all these heights were based on the heights of the characters in the story. Yami is around 6 feet but appears taller than most characters. I had made MC taller than Yuno and around the same height as Yami. )

In the afternoon I bid farewell to everyone and flew towards the grimoire tower in Hage village. Attached to the tower was a medium-size house where lived the tower manager. This man has always been a mystery to me so I ransacked old records that are available to my rank and found some clues about his identity.

I knocked on the door a few times.

" Come inside "came a voice from inside

I entered the house and moved towards a room that had a mana signature. Inside was an old man with a long white beard and a hat similar to witches on his head. The room was filled with books and paintings, among those paintings was one of young father Orsi.

The man looked towards me said "I believe this is our first formal meeting Julian of the Black Bulls "

"Yes Mr. Drouot, 26th wizard king "

(Note that Julius Novacrono is the 28th wizard king)

This man was the 26th wizard king who should have disappeared according to official records. I always felt like the statue on the magic knight examination site was familiar, this reminded me of this old man without his beard and hat.

" Hohoho ! it has been a long time since someone called me that "

I always wondered how my village was never attacked by magical beasts, how this village always had a good harvest, how it was developing faster than other villages. It was because of him that the village is safe. With my Sharingan eyes, I can see a thin veil of mana is always present around the village which is invisible by the naked eye and mana sense.

Even if this old man seemed like he cannot do anything, my senses told me that he was not to be underestimated.

"Can you answer some questions for me, please? " I asked

Drouot:" Sure, ask me anything "

" Are you the one who build the village "

Drouot:" Yes, I build the village as I wanted a peaceful life during my last breaths "

" Do you know how I appeared outside the church? "

Drouot:" No"

He is lying

" Asta and Yuno's parents ?"

Drouot: "No"

Lie again

I turned on Sharingan but before it could do anything, the mana was reflected at me.

A capsule of mana enveloped around me which seemed like would reflect anything I use.

Drouot: "Ho Ho youngster these days have no respect for the elders. Your tricks wouldn't work me kid "

"Let me guess, your magic is mana reflection? " I said after seeing the effect of his magic.

"Correct, any mana-based spells are useless in front of me and you don't need to use force against this old man do you young Julian. I know you want to ask many things but there are some things you should only know when the time comes.

I know you want to inquire about the 5-leaf clover grimoire of Asta, information regarding the 5-leaf grimoire is considered forbidden but I will tell you. Every five-leaf grimoire was a former 4 leaf grimoire whose user was corrupted by negative emotions. This grimoire becomes a vessel for a devil, I don't need to explain devils to you, do I? The fourth leaf clover represents good luck but it makes you more prone to negative energy and despair. It's a double-edged sword, either it can reach the top or take everything away from you. "

"When will you answer everything truthfully? "I asked

"When you are strong enough to bear the burden of the information. Many things knowing would cause a serious backlash. Don't worry, when you become strong enough everything will reach your doorstep."

"Anything else you want to ask," he said maintaining the same expression.

I realized that he would not reveal anything so I decided to leave and come back later but he called back from behind.

"Let me give you a last bit of information, every time two or more 4 leaf grimoires came together, it either gave rise to immense prosperity or utter decimation. Be careful that the latter doesn't happen.

And don't tell anyone about me!"


Drouot POV :

I saw Julian leaving with a disappointed face but there is nothing I can do for you. I had to use a bit of my magic to let him leave without asking too many questions.

I cannot let you bear the burden of your lineage yet

I cannot let Asta bear the burden of his mother yet

I cannot let Yuno bear the burden of his responsibility yet

You three are not strong enough to change anything.

I am getting weak; I cannot change my destiny anymore. Become strong quickly Asta, Yuno, Julian …everything depends on you three