Inner trial -2

"I will give you two choices,

First I shall create a world for you where you can reunite with your family and live a happy life

Second, keep living in this cursed world that is full of suffering, that can take away all the people your care for within a whim'' said the figure that looked like me from my past life.

"I will choose the second option. I wish to live in a reality not some dreams"


"What is your conclusion from everything I made you see "asked the figure .

' The past cannot be changed, I have gotten a second chance which I have to cherish and become strong enough to ensure that the same doesn't happen again. My family always wished for me to be happy so I won't spend my time in despair and move on. '

I said by thinking of all the new bonds I made. After reincarnating I suffered from trauma. I spent many sleepless nights as I would see the nightmare of losing my everything. It was almost after 5 years I was able to accept my new life. I never once took all the people as part of anime so the bonds I made are all real. The reason I train so hard is that I don't want any of them to die.'

"Why do you get to live when our family died, you loved your sister the most right? if given the chance would you trade your life for hers?" said the figure

"Of course, I would, but everything that happened is now past. I cannot change anything and will not even try"

"Aren't you being selfish not even trying to get them back"

"one thing that life has taught me is nothing good happens to dwell in the past, what matters is what we do in the present and shape our path for the future. I am not Akira anymore but Julian who aims to live a life without anyone daring to interfere.

I said it earlier and will say it again, I will never let anyone take my family from me ever again even if I have to go to the depths of hell'

"Fine…..I don't need to hear anything else."

'The trial was to ensure that I had gotten over my past right?' I asked

"yes I had to ensure that the power I was going to give doesn't get wasted who doesn't wish to move ahead getting over their past. "said the figure as part of his body disintegrated and entered into my body.

"I am the part of your soul that represents your past. I shall bestow upon you myself so that the future you and I always wanted comes true." Said the voice that reverberated throughout the entire space.

I went ahead and sat on the throne while the figure that now had become blurry moved aside and stood in front of me.

As I sat on the chair, the appearance of the figure changed to someone I imagined to look like when I grow up. The place I was sitting changed to an unfamiliar room. The room had all sorts of test tubes, chemicals, notes, etc.

The figure opened his red eyes which had 3 tomoe in them.

He looked towards me and said "Julian if you are seeing this, you must have awakened your eyes and passed the trail of the soul. When you grow up you will not find me around as I don't have much time left …if you want to know everything about myself… these eyes …your bloodline, go to the witch forest and say the name 'Alexander Ragnvindr ', you will get most of your answers.

Always remember, not everyone is blessed with strong magic, not everyone is created equally. But that's the responsibility of the blessed to protect the weak. If you want to be strong fuel your magic with every bit of your emotion. Never take the path of despair, there is always a way out.

I hope you live a happy and peaceful ."

This was a huge revelation for me. So, these eyes are not unique to me after all. Going by the appearance and familiarity he should be my father in this life.

This was most probably a recorded message, this voice is the same as the one which I heard when I unlocked my eyes for the first time. What could have happened to him, why did he say that he didn't have much time, why did he look as if he was in agony.

He asked me to go to the witch forest. What can be there I wondered, the witch queen said something weird when I went there last time maybe it has something to do with it.

I was back in the chamber where I began. The figure came forwards and merged with my body and filled my body with a new type of energy. I felt every cell of my body undergoing some changes.

[ trail of the soul passed]

[sharingan 1 tomoe -> 2 tomoe ]

[ mind space acquired]

[control of law increased]

[Mana pressure - > advanced]



RAC: HUMAN (awakened)

CORE: light Yellow




Those are some huge upgrades. My flame magic got converted into dark flame magic. My mana should be more than most of the royals. Advanced mana pressure is a huge addition.

Finally, my eyes evolved. I had already figured that emotions had nothing to do with emotions rather it was the purity of my mana core and mental strength. I was sure that the black orb awakened the dormant Sharingan in me.

I summoned a fireball in my hand which instantly turned red. The formation of higher flames has become instant. Now I don't have to summon normal flames and convert them, I can directly use higher flames. My evolved flames have properties of corrosion similar to dark phoenix which would burn as long as the subject has mana. But I am not satisfied by this, I aim to take my flames to a degree where it even burns concepts.

As far as I remember from the anime Yami's evolved magic acquires some spatial abilities like [ black hole ] and power to cut through dimensions. Another example was Mereoleona's magic gained the proper of absolute domination. Her magic's raw power could ignore even her weakness like water. William's world tree magic has gained the proper of connecting to people's souls like at the end of the elf arc. To reach the peak of the power I have to master these flames.

The place I was currently in should be called mind space. After reading various books and novels in my previous life, I had a slight idea about their use. This place can view a person's true self differently from outer appearance. I know that time flows differently so I have to enquire about that first.

I tried out a few things and found that I have unlimited mana in this place. Currently, I can summon myself to fight against me but the power level is very low. I can play out certain memories I deem as memorable.

I don't have enough authority so I don't know what else can this place do. The level of creation is fueled by my mana pressure and mental energy so if I want to have enough authority, I have to increase the rank of mana pressure.

I moved around and tried to decipher the inscriptions drawn on the pillars but I only understood a few of those. I decided to do that later and tried to exit the mind space.

Third-person POV:

In a specific room in the base, a person was sleeping on the bed with a later of energy protecting him. Slowly the layer dissolved in his body and the person released a terrifying pressure engulfing the entire base. Somehow Secre was unfazed by the mana pressure.

In the hall every black bulls member was present. The moment the pressure descended, Yami released his pressure. Two pressure collided shaking the entire bass, every black bulls member could see the collision, at one side there was a dark phoenix with red fires everywhere while the other was immense darkness with two menacing eyes. The darkness was so overwhelming that the dark phoenix was broken into fragments.

: Julian POV:

" Sure enough I am still far away from captain Yami, " I said entering the hall with Secre on my head

" JULIAN! " everyone tacked him to the ground, I apologized for causing trouble and got to know that I have been sleeping for 7 days.

" Seems like you were a successful brat, " said Yami while reading his newspaper.

He then explained to me the details that I missed and the uses of mind space. Mindspace can be used to hold a conversation with a person who has mana pressure, This place can also act as a training ground as the person's imagination rules this place. Everyone has mind space but only those who pass the trail can access it at will.

I ate a lot as I was having my first meal after 7 days of sleeping. After eating I flew away from the base to a rocky area to try out my new powers.

I found that the firepower and lethality of my flames had increased a lot. Using higher flames almost felt natural now rather than forcefully converting the normal ones into higher flames.

I decided to completely stop using normal flames and only use higher flames. I spent the next week upgrading all my spells. When I burned anything with normal flames, it turns to ash, and its energy dissolved into the surrounding. But when I burn something with higher flames, the entirety of it dissolves into my flames fueling it more.

With the evolution of [sharingan] and with an upgrade in power, I could defeat everyone in the base easily and put them in genjutsu or pull everyone in my mind space except Yami, neither can't I defeat nor put him under genjutsu. For that, I have to achieve the level of grandmaster in mana pressure. I figured that the power of my eye depended on the purity of my mana core and the power of mana pressure.

In the next few days, I trained like a maniac and upgraded my mana reinforcement to advanced. I was near to grasping it earlier but needed a little push which was provided by the trial.

Achieving advanced mana reinforcement was an achievement itself as 90 % of magic knights cannot grasp even intermediate mana reinforcement.

I finally had KI, mana reinforcement, and mana pressure to advance. After sparring with Yami a lot I had figured that he had everything in grandmaster level, even wizard king's mana pressure should be grandmaster level as no one seems to have achieved mana pressure higher than that yet.

With everything in place, I decided to go back to doing more missions while trying to increase the proficiency of the mana zone with the help of Yami as my mana has reached a level where it won't be a problem anymore.