Training with Yami 

After the incident with the mana pressure, Julian wanted to test his new powers so he asked Yami for a spar. Normally Yami would have ignored him, but he recently won a lottery, so he was in a good mood, making him accept Julian's request.

Outside the base of the Black Bulls stood Julian and Yami opposite to each other while Luck and Magna watched them from the window.

Secre was sitting on the table of Julian that was kept near his windrow which showed the entire view.

The rest of the squad was busy in their world like Charmy creating a new dish, Vanessa asleep, Gordon making creepy dolls. Everyone has a doll version of themselves given by Gordon but they can't help but pray that Gordon does not make voodoo dolls of them.

Back to Julian, he had a red sword in his hand made of hardened mana which was burning with a red flame while Yami had his standard sword clad in dark magic. Today the spar was only limited to reinforcement mana and swordsmanship. After experimenting with his new tomoe Sharingan Julian unlocked something new that he wanted to try.

" Come ! "commanded Yami as he pointed his sword towards Julian. Flames burst out from the fleet of Julian bringing his near Yami instantly as he swung his sword. Yami took a defensive stance at first, but he used Julian's momentum and converted it to an attack stance.

Julian didn't back of and started using the combo that he created after copying from various people but Yami who was an experienced swordsman detected the weakness from Julain's stances and pushed him back. After clashing for a few minutes Yami increased his pace while Julian turned on his Sharingan.

"Show me how much you have improved in KI, " Yami said as black smoke rose from his sword.

Yami knew that Julian could read the trajectory of his attacks so he started doing movements that would overwhelm his vision and make Julian only depend on KI. In the vision of Julian, he could see numerous trajectories of Yami's movement but only one of them was real. As Sharingan showed the trajectory of attacks based on muscle movement and intent so Yami twitched his muscles in various places to confuse Julian.

Even though Julian saw multiple trajectories with the evolution of his eyes, he could make out the most probable movements with his newly evolved eyes together with KI. As Julian swung his sword towards the sword strike he felt was real he felt something was wrong and moved his sword in another direction but he was late and Yami had already struck his chest breaking off the reinforcement magic.

" You getting dependent on your eyes too much. If you trusted your instincts you could have detected the feint attack " said Yami as he swung his sword again faster than before.

Julian had to give his everything to clash against Yami. At one point in their clash, both of their movements became almost the same as if Yami was fighting himself. That is when Yami realized that Julian was copying his moves although they were a bit crude but served their purpose of defending against Yami. Yami increased his strength and speed more to push Julian and see how far can he copy his movements and sure enough if it crosses a speed out of Julian's compression range he could not copy his movements anymore.

"Swoosh "

" Tang "

" Crack "

The sword in Julian's hand broke apart and he crashed into the ground a few meters back.

" Take a break for some time, we will continue after I continue my business with the toilet, " said Yami as he left Julian to introspect.

Julian cast a phoenix robe on himself to heal his injuries while he thought about the fight . " sure enough I am still far from reaching the level of a captain. My mana reinforcement is nowhere near him. ' Julian looked towards his hands which were shaking after the pressure that was handled from Yami. Julian was confident that his physical strength was not weaker than the top powerhouse but there was a large difference between advanced and grandmaster level reinforcement mana.

'Each of his swings contains immense power and sharpness ' he looked towards the ground and surrounding trees which had numerous sharp slash marks. Julian looked towards a few leaves which were cut clean from the middle. Julian was far from reaching that level of sharpness in swordsmanship.

'It's good that now I can copy people's movements with my Sharingan but it only works till it's under my KI range '. Julian who was sensitive to mana could sense that Yami had combined KI and mana zone which increased his sense and prediction power to a new level. Mana zone was a very difficult thing to learn, Julian had grasped mana skin which was the prerequisite for learning mana zone.

Yami was the type of guy who would not teach verbally but drill a technique in him by using it against him in battles.

Yami returned after sometimes and their spar continued. Julian combined Yami's movements with his own set of movements and kept crashing against him. Yami was impressed by his swordsmanship and kept pushing Julian past his limits. As Yami was not using spells but only reinforcement magic, he had a lot of mana to spare and use in this fight.

Unlike Julian who could use endless mana, Yami had mana around a noble so he always tried to end every battle quickly. Today letting loose and fighting Julian without anything to worry about was refreshing for him too.

They ended their spar in the evening and sat under a tree while Charmy delivered some food to them.

"You have gotten stronger brat, become stronger quickly so that I can pass on my position to you," said Yami.

"You just want to pull all the work on me and relax," Julian said knowing very well the personality of Yami.

"Sometimes you are too smart for your own good"

"Captain, can you tell me more about mind space, " asked Julian

" it is a space created by a person's mental power when he attains at least advanced level mana pressure. This place can be changed according to users' will and can be used to interact with other people in their mind," said Yami as he smoke another cigarette.

"I can manipulate my Mindspace but how do I pull someone into it, " asked Julian

"like this, " said Yami as Julian could see darkness emerge from Yami and envelop him.

Julian found Yami standing in front of him with only visible light was the road beneath him that extended infinitely.

Yami snapped his finger and thousands of swords of large swords appeared on the sides of the road.

Julian felt like more than half of his mana had become unusable.

"This is my mind space …..this represents the power of endless darkness and the path of swordsmanship I took," said Yami.

"As long as you are in this space, at least half of your mana would be devoured by the darkness no matter how much mana you have."

Yami snapped his finger again and a giant sword around 80m shot towards Julian.

Due to some more experience, Julian had now knowledge up to some degree. His eyes shined as cracks formed in the darkness from which emerged a red moon which started burning the darkness including the sword that was shot towards him. The red moon shined more staring a storm of red flames in the darkness.

The two mind spaces joined together as if forming a channel to two different worlds. One side represented infinite darkness while the other side red flames that threatened to burn everything.

As Julian felt his mana becoming unusable, Yami felt his mana burning away but the rate was extremely slow as the mana devoured from Julian was adding up to him.

"This is the merging of mind space when a person opposes the effect of the others mind space with his own. This can oppose the laws set by the opponent but cannot overwrite the authority so easily unless your mind is stronger. You can only enter one's mind space if they allow you to. For example, you cannot enter my mind space unless I allow you. There is another method where you reach the pinnacle of mana pressure but achieving that is near to impossible. "

"Remember if a person is defeated normally he still retaliates with passive spells but when a person is defeated in the mind space he is truly lost. No matter how weak the Mindspace is the control cannot be overwritten by a stronger mind so it gives the weaker person another chance to retaliate."

Said Yami as the pitch-black darkness devoured Julian's mind space bringing them both out of the mana space.

Julian had some other idea and looked Yami in the eye with his Sharingan and as Julian expected both of them were back in Yami's mind space but Julian felt as if his head would burst out with pain. 'Seems like I can enter mind space but I would take a large around of mental damage for entering forcefully.'

"How?...." Yami was surprised as Julian just contradicted his worlds.

"These eyes ….defy logic," said Julian as blood flowed from his nose and eyes.