Finral’s visit 

A portal opened in front of a big house somewhere in the noble realm. Out of the portal stepped out Finral, who was in his usual Black Bulls uniform. The guards saw that it was Finral and let him in.

"Is miss Finesse in her room? "asked Finral to a maid

" Yes sir Roulacase, she is in her room, "said the maid bowing. Finral nodded and after a while entered a room.

Inside, the room was a woman who was sitting near a big window reading a book as the light from the sun fell on her beautiful face.

Finral entered the room and placed a bouquet on her lap.

" Happy birthday miss Finesse, " said Finral with a smile

She saw Finral and a pleasant smile bloomed on her face.

"Thank you Finral -san, it been a while since we met last time "


Finesse Calmreich is a noblewoman of the branch family of house Kira. She was born with a very weak body along with a chronic disease, because of which even if she has a high amount of mana she can't use magic very well. Because of which she was betrothed to the next head of house Vaude.

House Vaude is a family that has spatial magic running through the bloodline. The current head of the Vaude family has 2 sons, Finral who took the last name of her late mother, and Langris Vaude.

Langris is the son of the second wife of the house head who currently has the strongest spatial magic in the family. Because Finral has could not use any attack spell he is considered trash by his family and looked down upon. If not for Yami taking him in his squad he would have been abandoned by his family.

Finesse is a very kind woman who supports Finral and encourages him often, she also tried to reduce the clash between the two brothers whenever possible. Finral thinks that his bother will be the next house leader but she wants Finral to become the next head.

Magic spells derive from the yearning of the soul, unlike others, Finral is a kind soul because of which he is not able to unlock any attack magic. According to her Finral's kindness and care for others make him a better leader.


Finral sat on her bed while the maids of the house brought two cups of tea for them.

" How is your life going on? Are your squad members treating you properly? "

" Slow down, I am not running away. Yes it's going fine and I have no problem with my squad members " said Finral with a light blush on his face.

Finral stayed with her for a while talking about his daily life and squad while Finesse listened with a smile. Although Finral tries to flirt with every beautiful girl he sees, Finesse is deep inside the woman he genuinely likes. His dream is to be strong enough to become the head of his house and worthy of her.

Finral bid farewell to her and returned to the base in the evening after buying some things for the Black Bulls.


An hour after Finral left someone else entered her room. He looked towards the flowers kept on her table and asked.

" Was my idiot brother here? "

Finesse looked towards and said " Hai Langris san he was here "

'she is pathetically weak …..kill her …she doesn't like you ….kill her ….kill her ' a voice full of hatred reverberated inside Langris's head.

'Shut up! don't interfere in my life ' The face of Langris twisted with anger

" Is something the matter, Langris san? "

He controlled his emotions and told her that nothing was wrong. Finesse doesn't know what was wrong with him, she assumed that he got angry seeing that Finral arrived first to visit her.

'sigh, when will they stop hating each other .'

Langris Vaude the second son of the head of house Vaude. He is the current vice-captain of the Golden Dawn squad. He is especially known for his exceptionally strong spatial magic and combat abilities. Similar to other nobles he considers himself above others but deep inside he has jealousy against Finral.

He grew up in a family where strength is everything and feels that his parents only loved him because he had superior magic power than Finral. He is jealous of Finral that he has no expectations, no burden, and can get along with anyone whereas he is always burdened with everything. Even during childhood when Finral used to play with his friends Langris was left out because he was strong and different from others. All these factors build up his current personality.

He believes that he must be better than Finral in everything or else he would lose his sense of existence and the love his family has for him.

Among all the burdens he has Finesse is an exception. Although he doesn't have any romantic feelings for her like Finral, she is one of the few genuine friends he has. She doesn't have any expectations of him or cares about his family or his powers but just him.

Langris wished her and handed her some sweets that he brought for her birthday. He talked with her for an hour before leaving.

' When will you open up about your insecurity Langris san, I am sure Finral will help and accept you with open arms 'thought Finesse looking at the flowers Finral brought.