
Julian POV:

A month later after I began my practice of mana zone, I received a mission, especially for myself. I found it a bit suspicious but it doesn't matter as I am strong enough to deal with pretty much everything as long as Eye of the midnight sun doesn't jump at me together.

After a lot of missions, I had already become an intermediate magic knight and a few steps away from the senior magic knight. Unlike the rest of my squad members who increased the workload more, I did with precision so my demand was the highest among the black bulls.

Apart from nine squads, there are some people directly under Wizard king who only take orders from him. My mission partner is a member of that squad. In all the missions I took Secre with me as I was capable of protecting her. Although only I talked it was good when he had someone to listen to.

I had tried searching for a method to break her seal but there have been no leads yet.

I arrived at an empty alley and waited for the person with Secre sitting on my shoulder. As I was waiting, I felt an attack towards me, I just sidestepped and an arrow of light hit the place where I was standing. Hmm, Light magic …either from the royal family or someone special. If it was Licht, it would have been deadly.

Third Person POV:

The person saw that his attack was missed and went for another attack but saw that the target was not there. But suddenly he found a dagger at his neck.

"Looking for someone my guy? "Julian said holding the weapon.

He panicked and said in a shaking voice "Sorry Sorry! I was just testing you before the mission "

With the practice of KI and reading his aura, Julian could tell that he was being truthful. Julian took back his magic and waited for him to be comfortable.

"So, why did you request me for the mission, "Julian asked

"I requested for someone very strong whom I could trust; it was Wizard king that recommended you. My name is Lucis by the way nice to meet you Julian "he said. His height was around Julian with the attire of the squad under wizard king. His face was normal but Julian knew he was faking his face with an illusion artifact.

Lucis asked Julian to follow him.

He took Julian near a mansion in the noble realm. Julian and Lucis both kept an eye on each other on the way. Julian knew Lucis was a noble or royal from the way he carried himself or the quality of mana that was leaking from him even after using mana suppressing artifact, but Julian saw humbleness. It was to be expected as the Wizard king would not take any arrogant pricks under his wings.

The mansion looked nice from the outside but there was only a single life sign. From the mansion came out a beautiful girl.

Lucis ! she shouted and hugged him.

"The entire Lawrence noble family disappeared overnight along with their wealth. The capital was searched but they weren't found. Our mission is to investigate the matter. "

"How is she here then? "asked Julian

"Yesterday night she was with me when the incident happened, "he said

'So we have a couple here huh' thought Julian

Julian entered the mansion with him and started an investigation. From what he heard everyone disappeared without making any noise or the neighboring houses would have reported something. There were signs of struggles around. Almost all the drawers in the house were open so someone searched all of them. Walls and floors showed signs of damage but the house didn't have a single drop of blood. As this was the home of a noble, there were a lot of exquisite ornaments and paintings. Some of the paintings glass laminated paintings were smashed. Some had a palace described while some had a map described. Secre who was sitting on Julian's shoulder pointed towards a specific painting. It was of a majestic unicorn. Julian got curious and asked Lucis about it.

"That is the painting of a legendary lightning beast Kirin also called the lightning spirit that once ruled a small island, but one day that island disappeared. Some say that the beast was a lesser lightning spirit but there no way to confirm it as it's never seen for centuries." Julian felt like he wanted to say more but stopped.

'Hmm, there are a lot of things that they are not telling me.'

Julian started investigating further and found pictures of the family members. The youngest member was a beautiful girl which gave a reaction from Olivia. I searched the entire mansion and found mana signs which reminded me of someone. 'Marcus 'Julian muttered.

'Seems like underworld is involved. If it's him then kidnapping is no big deal. But the question was why were the family members taken away. From the signs, their reason was not just robbery, as if they were searching for something more. Part of the walls or floor where some inscription should be there were taken away too. "

While they took a break near the balcony, Julian felt like someone was watching me, and all of a sudden, he felt a projectile shot towards Olivia. Julian could feel the trajectory and react to it easily and cast a shield to bock whatever it was, but he noticed it was not a spell. The object that hit the shield was a knife with a strange flickering light on its hilt. The frequency of the light increased and I had a feeling that what was explosive but I wasn't worried as the shield could tank it.

The knife exploded releasing the most lethal poison Julian had ever seen which even melted the floor they were standing on. Julian burned the poison before it caused more harm.


Julian spread his mana all-around a felt mana fluctuation a few distances away. He created an arrow shot in that direction. The arrow hit something invisible and soon a person was visible. Julian went towards him and put him under his genjutsu to talk. But he felt like something was interfering with his control.

"Leaders orders …. kill any survivor of the family …. dungeon …power of the lightning spirit " he opened his mouth to speak more but he started screaming. Julian moved away and he exploded like a bomb.

'Tsk, why do all these mobs like to commit suicide so much. Seems like there was something that stopped him from speaking more. '

Julian returned to Lucis and released his mana pressure "Tell me everything and this time with the complete introduction ". With light magic, high mana, rare artifact, he had already guessed who he was. Lucis pushed a button in his coat which changed his appearance to a handsome appearance with blonde hair.

"Sigh seems like I have to reveal my identity after all.

My full name is Lucis Kira Clover, the son of Augustus Kira Clover XIII and the first prince. The portrait of the girl you saw was my lover.

Wait! Why are you not surprised? "he exclaimed

"had already guessed your identity so I was not surprised, "Julian said with a straight face.

"So, what is Mr. prince doing in magic knights?

"My father has two wives among, my mother is the first wife and I am her only son. His second wife has two daughters. So, I have to become the future king. My father is an incompetent fool and an asshole, I don't wish to become like him. So, I bribe my maids and guards to sneak out of the castle and work under Wizard king to become a learn to be a proper leader."

My lover lost connection with her family yesterday. I knew it was not a simple matter so I wanted help. I asked wizard king for help and he suggested you. As I knew that I had to reveal my identity so I asked for someone trustworthy. "

Olivia – I will tell you the entire story. so please save my family