Forgotten history 

It is said that a long time ago God forged contracts with several magical beasts to protect humanity. One such beast was the Legendary lighting Kirin. Kirin protected an island a little away from the Clover Kingdom. That island was isolated from the outside world. It was said that only the inhabitants were able to enter or exit freely. Though the people of that island never saw Kirin, they believed that he was watching over them. The leader of the tribe hosted a ritual every year to worship their protector. It was the responsibility of the family of the chief to ensure that the ritual took place every year. In the ritual various food were and blood of young animals was given to the statue.

One day the youngest child of the village chief ventured into the ritual site alone out of curiosity. She was disturbed by the nagging of her parents. She sat near the statue of the god and sang a song that was passed on within her family. The song was so harmonious and melodious even nature sang with her. In such harmony for the first time in centuries, Kirin appeared in front of the girl to appreciate her music. Kirin had never heard something so beautiful from a human . Kirin for the first time appreciated someone so weak yet so charming. The girl promised to sing that song again during the ritual.

The girl was so proud of his achievement that she spread the news that she saw their God. The village was enveloped in an air of happiness except for the house of the village chief. They knew what that meant.

The girl's presence had managed to please their God. At that time the world was enveloped in war and they wanted to protect their island. They decided to offer the girl's blood to please their god in the coming ritual. The girl loved her people a lot and was ready to sacrifice herself for the betterment of her tribe. The village chief's family protested but they were declared traitors by the tribe and exiled from the island except for the child.

In the ritual, the girl was sacrificed and all her blood was offered to their god. To hear her song again Kirin appeared during the ritual and found her dead body. The beast got so furious that he went against his contract and the entire island was enveloped in lightning. Which destroyed the entire island along with its inhabitants.

Later it was said that during the war, Kirin was defeated and fell on the island which became its graveyard. It is said that if a person can reach that graveyard he can obtain the power of Kirin and rule everything. With the death of Kirin, the island magically disappeared and was never found again. It is said that only the members of the exiled family can open the gates to the island.

Elsewhere :

Boss ! we let one girl getaway and seems like the spy was killed by a magic knight of black bulls. – mob 1

" You incompetent fools can't even do a job properly! That one person will interfere with our goal. Mobilize more people, as long as a captain doesn't involve we can be successful. I am sure the magic knight will come here with the girl.

Start setting up traps and ensure that they are killed. And if somehow the others got the news of this event I will personally strangle you all to death" said an angry voice.

Another well-built person with light brown hair who was standing away heard the details and remembered someone.

" Seems like I will get my revenge pretty soon " grinned Marcus.

: Julian POV:

" So, how is it related to this incident, " I asked.

Lucis – my lover Ovilia belongs to the family that was exiled from the island centuries ago. And her family is the key to opening the gate to the island. Currently there are only around 20 members in her family.

This case is not simple, why don't you call for more people? I asked

Lucis – " I don't want to reveal my identity as well her family's identity. I can except If you call someone you trust will keep this a secret ."

Olivia – "I have an idea where they could have been taken. "

"Are you sure this incident is related to Kirin? "

Olivia- "I this if the only clue I have. For the last few days, my father told me that almost all the members who were in the business were asked about Kirin in one way or another by random customers so he had stopped the business for a while as it felt suspicious.

I know a site where some of my ancestors were buried, I think there might be something there that can give us a lead."

"Any reason for your conclusion?"

Olivia: "In our family, most people are born with thread magic but only a few are born with song magic. There is a diary that is passed down to every song magic user which was songs written by the ancestors to see if they can someday recreate the song that Kirin liked. As the current song magic user, I too read the diary and found that the last song was written by someone before dying whose dying place is mentioned there. Only song magic users can read the diary so my family doesn't know the contents of "

As this case seemed serious, I called Luck and Charmy for helping me with the permission of Lucis. Luck readily agreed but Charmy took some persuasion with the bait of sweets from the Royal house. I am pretty sure the elves are involved as such knowledge can only be contained by them. I guess just like the Salamander, they are trying to acquire the lightning Spirit by making someone a guineapig.

Yami usually takes Finral with him so Luck and Charmy will take some time to come. We don't have time to spare so I suggested meeting in between our paths. I flew towards the meeting spot while Lucis made an arrow of light and flew on it with Olivia like the first Wizard king.

Can you two fight? I asked

"I can fight a lot better than those lazy royals and nobles but she can only support the fight from a distance", said Lucis.

From him, I got to know that Olivia had song magic with which she can heal, buff, or debuff people around her.

On the way, I suggested Lucis for a fight so that he won't be a liability.

The power of his attacks is a bit lacking but the speed of his movements and attacks is no less than Luck.

This guy has a lot of spells to annoy the enemy and good defensive spells but lacks power in attack spells. So he is ideal to deal with mobs, I noted. Though he didn't manage to touch me this much display was enough.

We continued our journey with me asking questions on the way.

After a few hours, we up with Charmy and Luck in the forest in the common realm. Luck instantly challenged Lucis and Charmy reminded me of my promise again. After dealing with the hassle we set out to the mission with Olivia giving directions. According to her, the secret of her family should have been erased from historical records. I think that the elves had something to do with this as there is nothing mentioned about Kirin anywhere else except in her family records and the deepest level of the artifact museum where only the highest-ranking magic knights are allowed to enter.

Lucis told that he had a connection with a captain who had read what was written there but there was no mention of the connection of Lawrence and Kirin.