The power of Kirin

While Julian was on the way to the top another beam shot towards the clouds releasing waves of electricity along the way.

As soon as he reached the top, he felt extreme danger and soon a lightning bolt passed his side gazing at his cheek drawing a line of blood. The power behind the attack was devastating.

Julian came to the surface and saw. The culprit of the attack, A large fat man with lightning crackling around him. Nothing about him felt human anymore. His hands had scales with a large horn growing out of his head. Standing at a height of 3 m he was grinning like an idiot.

" HaHAhaHAhah

"You are late Magic knight, I have already become the strongest person in the entire kingdom, not even the wizard king can stop me now from ruling the clover Kingdom. "

Julian looked all around and found that there was a giant skull near which four people were laid, they had large cuts over their bodies from which blood flowed towards the skull.

" Feel the honor to be the first person to witness the power of God, " he said by pointing his hand toward the body of one person and firing a lightning bolt. The attack completely obliterated the body not even ashes remained.


After an annoying fight, Luck and the team finally defeated the spatial mage and the earth mage.

It took so much time because the spatial magic was very annoying to fight. Moreover, the earth mage had a similar condition as Marcus so he kept increasing his power throughout the fight.

Olivia used her song magic from the sidelines to buff the attack of Luck and the others and after the battle used recovery magic on them.

Luck sensed danger from above and told everyone to hurry up. Lucis made a giant sword of light and said to everyone to get on it taking it towards the top.

After reaching the top all they saw was destruction. Giants pits everywhere and a giant broken skull. With two dead bloodied dead bodies lying around. Olivia cried out after seeing her father's and aunt's dead bodies. Their smiling faces surfaced in her mind and witnessing their end was like a nightmare for her.

But that was not the time of grieving as they saw a horrifying battle between Julian who had wings and tentacles coming out of his back fighting something that cannot be called human anymore.

As the battle went on the horn of the top of the opponent's head released a more threatening aura. Everyone deduced that the horn was the source of power. Lucis and Olivia knew the fight was beyond them as they could not even follow the attacks.

In spite of the danger, the enemy possessed Julian was not having a hard time fighting the enemy. The speed of the enemy was a major problem and every attack on Jason was devastating. He didn't dare fight at close range and he was already electrocuted when he went near him. Using mana zone he constantly fired spells like arrows, beams, punches, etc. but the fight was getting more difficult as Jason was getting more control over the power and was fighting like a maniac.

Julian had watched a lot of anime and recreated some moves from them like creating extra pairs of limbs and using them to use more dagger slashes or using them for better movements. They can be used as defense like his wings too.

Julian felt like the man was losing control over his sanity, which was a good thing for Julian.

Julian realized that Jason was getting better at using the power but slowly losing his human consciousness as if being taken over by something.

It was easier to fight someone who purely fights on instincts.

During the fight, Julian didn't forget to constantly absorb the high purity mama released during the fight into his mana core. He saw Jason charge and charge a giant electro ball and shot towards him.

The tentacles behind Julian joined together and formed 4 additional hands with a sword in each hand. They took a stance and made a giant slash, which transformed into a giant phoenix and faced the electro ball.

[dark flame magic: dawn ]

Two attacks one dark red and one light blue collided and caused a devastating explosion.

Talking this chance Luck made his legs a weapon and went for the kick but he didn't expect Jason to see through his attacks. He hold off Luck's legs and punched him to the ground creating a large crater.

At the same time,a giant sheep emerged from the back and punched in the direction of Jason. He released a wave destroying the sheep.

At the same time, different red patches that were stuck to the body of Jason exploded covering him in more red flames.

It was Julian's spell [ Delayed flair ]

The opponent's electricity was stronger so he overcame Luck's lightning defense. Three vs one fight continued for some time as a direct hit from Jason could get them killed so they fought with caution.

Julian used all his large spells like [Dawn ], [ arrow of destiny ] hitting the horn, [ eruption ], [ great fire annihilation], etc . During the entire battle, his Sharingan rotated continuously reading the opponent's moves and trajectory. Julian tried doing the same moves as Jason to enhance the collection and use of Sharingan. Like when Jason made a whip of thunder at the same time a whip of fire was created to counter it, his thunder projectile was countered with fire projectiles.

Although Luck was getting trashed each time he went close to Jason, he was having a time of life fighting. The constant threat to his life and body gave a battle maniac like Luck immense pleasure. In the back of his mind, he knew that Julian was there for him so his chances of dying were very less.

He went all out and at a point even improved his electric powers to a level that Jason's attacks had less effect on him.

Jason's hand got converted into a large lightning-clad sword that he swung at Julian faster than any sword Swing Julian had seen so far by all of his hard work Julian would be a waste if he could not react to the attack.

Julian sharpened his aura and slashed against the lightning sword with his pure red flamed dagger.


A large shockwave erupted from their clash that threw everyone except Julian and Jason to a distance.

A mouth-like structure formed from their stomach of Jason trying to devour Julian, but before that small daggers formed around and started revolving around him like a shredder.

Jason threw a mouthful of blood as he took a good amount of damage from that move.

[Mana zone: Eruption wave ]

50m area around Julian exploded with hot red flames worsening the condition of Jason who began screaming. Taking this chance Luck and Charmy rejoined the battle.

Jason began using more power but his speed was now decreasing, Punch from Charmy's sheep, Luck's high-speed close combat attack, and finally Julian's devastating red flames that were not only burning away Jason's mana but also his body from the inside.

In spite of having such devastating power, Jason was on a losing end. Even after having skyrocketed mana and enhanced defense like lightning armor Julian's attack was somehow getting through.

"Those eyes...I swear I will pluck those eyes" cursed Jason as he punched toward Julian like a blur but Julian dodged his attack gracefully that should have blown his head off. On the other side of the battle, Lucis and Olivia felt as if they would suffocate due to the pressure the battle was emitting.

" I never expected Black Bulls to be this strong," said Olivia

"Especially Julian, it's impossible that he is not a royal," said Lucis

"Maybe an illegitimate child from someone of Vermillion's family? "

"There is a possibility, its impossible to have such potent fire magic if not from the Vermillion family " Lucis said .

Because of Sharingan and ki reading Julian just had some light scratches but the same can't be said for Luck and Charmy. Normally Charmy was very lazy so she lacks proper combat experience; Julian had to make sure that Luck and Charmy don't die under the siege of Jason as the power behind the lightning attack could kill them if received a direct hit.

The more damage Jason took from Julian more enraged he became.

" Why don't you cockroaches die

Why can't I kill you even after getting so much power!

I need more power! I will rule over everything " he shouted with his horn and fangs growing larger. His eyes were red and blood flowed from them with giant claws growing out of his limbs.

A lightning beam was fired towards the sky from which thousands of swords rained on them. Julian moved toward everyone and all of them cast their strongest shield.

[ mana zone: Blazing shield ]

[ light magic: holy protection ]

[lightning creation magic: unbroken shard ]

Thousands upon thousands of electric swords rained destroying the complete environment.

With mana zone, Julian felt every change in Jason, after this attack Jason's consciousness was completely gone and was replaced with an insane beast who was only running on instincts.

As the shower stopped they found themselves in front of a four-legged beast. The human was gone and was replaced with a beast. Standing on four legs, with a giant horn, two fang red eyes staring at us. Standing before us was Kirin the lightning beast. It released its mana pressure like a wave of the endless sea along with a lightning shockwave whose power was off the chart. The attack hit the shield and cracks started forming.

Julian felt the situation very alarming and released his mana pressure to collide. Two ancient beasts collided and their collision even made the air around them vibrate.

Luck looked at the sky and saw the formation of cracks.

"Julian I don't think this dimension would much longer if the fight goes on like this"

"Yes, I know, " said Julian as he dashed towards Kirin.

As soon as Julian's line of sight connected with Kirin, he used all of his mental power, and with the power of Sharingan, he directly entered Kirin's mind taking mental damage in the process. Before coming to the island Julian had implemented a plan and as soon as he deemed the correct time, he instructed Olivia to do her part.

Cough Cough!


Julian coughed from blood as he felt more leak from his eyes and nose.

'I need to do something to increase my mental power or else I might take permanent damage like this's thought Julian as he wiped off the blood.

The mind space was a dark pool of blood in which a hateful voice reverberated.

" How dare you interfere with my slumber humans.

How dare you use that filthy blood to awaken me.

I will destroy every single one of you "

Julian felt that the blood in which they were standing started boiling and soon took the form of hundreds of smaller size Kirin and attacked altogether. Time flowed differently in mind space and the real world, so Julian must fight for a long time to calm down the enraged beast.

" Ovilia do you part quickly " Julian muttered before engaging in one of the most difficult fights of his life.

As the fight went on the power behind the lightning kept increasing with Julian feeling some traces of corrupt mana that was like poison to his mana.

'This must be mana of forbidden magic'

Julian could feel like his blood flow was being affected by the magic of Kirin so he forcefully used red flames on his wounds instead of healing magic to destroy the forbidden mana in his blood.

"You human's didn't let me live in peace nor are you letting me rest in peace…."

Another angry voice full of hatred reverberated as lightning-clad raindrops started falling from the sky