Angel‘s Lullaby 

Julian who had mastered Ki and the basics of mana zone felt Kirin's emotions. Anger, anger towards humans. Responding to its emotions the blood formed beasts charged at Julian like mad beasts.

It was Julian's first time-fighting in mind space so he was unable to exert his full power moreover it was Kirin's mind space in which It was the ruler so attacks came from all directions. Each beast had the power of red lightning which was enough to cause severe damage to Julian.

Julian had to be cautious and not take more mental damage on top of the side effect he was suffering from forcefully entering Kirin's mind.

While destroying the beasts Julian slowly started exerting his mental power in the surroundings and bringing it under his control. Similar to Yami's mind space that could eat away his mana control and produce infinite swords, Kirin's mind space constantly electrocuted Julian while trying to melt his pain.

As soon as he recovered some of his mental strength, he merged his mind space with Kirin's and started red fire all over the place burning away Kirin's mana and mental power.

: Outside :

As soon as Julian entered Kirin's mind both of them stopped every movement. Olivia was gasping for air after such a showdown. The fierce mana exchange made it for a weak person like her hard to breathe, Lucis was not so down but still affected. Lucis realized how weak he was. Even after having one of the rarest and fastest magic attributes he was useless in the fight. He felt that he would die during the entire fight if he made a move.

Olivia dragged her tired body towards Kirin and did what has entrusted to her. She put her gentle hands on top of Kirin and used her magic.

[ song magic: Angel's lullaby ]

A sweet and beautiful song reached everyone's ears. Everyone felt like they were being embraced by two gentle hands. Instantly the dangerous battlefield gained a peculiar peace and harmony. The song had a drastic change in Kirin. The beast retracted all mana and sat down and as if responding to it the sky cleared and a clear red sky was visible again.

Olivia forgot everything about her surroundings and sang with all her emotions. The song she sang was the one passed down to her family. The song traveled the entire island conveying her feelings.

Love …grief of losing someone close …pity …

As if responding to its feelings some birds which had run away from the battlefield flew and sat near Kirin and Olivia but no one made any noise to disturb the harmony.

: Inside the mind space :

As time flowed differently between the two places, five hours had passed inside.

Julian had slowly taken over the mind space of Kirin with his own over the hours. Julian stopped his movements as he heard a beautiful melody that reverberated in the entire mind space.

The entire blood-filled mind space broke like fragments of the mirror and what can be in front of Julian was a green forest. As if hearing the melody the entire forest became lively and moved with the melody. A path was created in front of Julian reaching the center of the forest.

Julian moved towards the center and found that it was a medium-sized tree with thick trunk under which laid a small version of the beast that gave Julian so much trouble. The body of Kirin was surrounded by a glow and slowly disintegrating.

He slowly made eye contact with Julian. This Kirin was different from the one he was fighting, this space was the true mind space of Kirin that showed the real him. Julian could dry tears around the eyes of the beast.

"Those eyes bring back memories.

He too looked at me with those red eyes full of curiosity for the first time

Come take a seat beside me " said Kirin to Julian.

Julian nodded and sat beside Kirin using the tree as support. He wasn't too shocked to hear that there was someone with the same eyes. There was a moment of silence between them but it wasn't bad as their song of Olivia rang through every corner of the realm.

" ….No need to explain, I know everything that happened.

That human tried to control my power without a pure heart. Only those with pure hearts and strong mental power can gain the power of spirits and beings like me.

This song is very dear to me. He once sang this to me before saying goodbye to me. He gave me the responsibility of protecting the races in this area.

After a lot of time, I heard that song, a sweet melody of a girl of the tribe that lived on this island. She promised to sing to me again sometime later. But when I returned I found her dead near my statue …She similar ache of separation ached my heart and I destroyed everything out of anger. How dare they take the life of someone so pure, I hated the blood of the inhabitants. I felt like everything I did was in vain.

My love for this island turned to hatred. Severing the contract corrupted my mana making further weakening my strength.

Later, during the war, I was defeated and decided to make my grave near where I heard her song.

This island was the place I was born and fought my last battles. Only when my contract was broken I could leave the area but my freedom was short-lived.

The hatred within me turned into a curse that could destroy anyone that tried to use my power with or without my permission.

My physical body was destroyed but a fragment of my soul remained. My longing of wanting to hear the song again stopped me from passing away.

Mana of my decaying body converted this place into a dungeon giving birth to a new environment. "

He turned towards Julian and sat on his lap.

" You have the aura of that person who was like a best friend to me... ."

"Who are you talking about? " Julian asked

"…..There was a person thousands of years ago who gave me life ..gave me a home and my best friend, He too had these red eyes and a second source of mana, unlike any other this island lived his loved so he forged a contract with me to protect her and her descendants….

But even he could not escape from the passage of time…."

"Did the inhabitants have the same eyes like me? "

"…No his descendants did not inherit that power …."

Kirin looked into the eyes of Julian for a few seconds and said,

"You have the blessing of dark phoenix on you, seems like she likes you quite a lot ".