
: Third person POV :

At the foot of a volcanic region, two people were standing. Both of them had a thin layer of mana around them. The woman had a pure orange while the boy had dark red.

Julian didn't use his mana pressure as it would be useless against her. He turned on [ Sharingan ] he moved towards her at his top speed with his [ kagune ] being shaped like a giant sword. Just as the attack was about to hit her, she became an afterimage and disappeared from his KI range.

'She can blend with the surrounding so well that my KI doesn't detect her but her movements can be captured by my Sharingan.'

Julian rotated his body and swung his sword-shaped Kagune backward which met with Mereoleona's fist. A shockwave erupted as their attacks met.

'Hmm, not bad ' she thought.

"Come on! show your full power! " Mereoleona shouted as flames blasted from her fist pushing Julian into the air.

In mid-air, wings emerged from Julian's back and he balanced himself and went towards her again. Daggers formed in his arms and [ kagune ] and with a strong slash a giant phoenix shot towards her.

[ Dark flame magic: Dawn ]

The woman grinned as punched the bird casing big explosion but pushed her back while another slash was just inches away from her.

'Ho..his evolved flames removed by mana coating…very interesting. Now let me show my move too'

[ Calidus Brachium ]

A deafening roar burst out as a phoenix was destroyed by a lioness. It took a single punch to destroy one of Julian's strongest spells.

"Next !!! " she roared.

Julian smiled and simultaneously launched two spells which under the effect of mana zone enhanced a lot.

[ mana zone: flame hurricane ]

[dark flame magic: great fire annihilation ]

Two attacks combined and gave rise to what's called a catastrophe of flames surrounding the area.

She closed her eyes and opened them releasing a shockwave from her body.

[ flame magic: pride of Lioness ] a voice emerged from the storm.

From within the dark red storm of flames emerged orange rays of light before destroying the complete storm with an explosion.

" Next " a voice reverberated again but instantly a large explosion of red flames covered her body followed by hundreds of red arrows shooting at her.

[Mana zone: the arrow of destiny ]

[Dark flame magic: delayed flair ]

Mereoleona's fists became after image as she punched at Julain's spells. His red flames devoured her reinforcement magic casing her spells to draw out blood from her.

'It's been a while since I have enjoyed a battle' she thought as she looked at the injury Julian caused. She possessed the law of flames that could dominate all other magic types with sheer power but she was first time subjected to a type of flames that could negate her law of flames.

'Surely he is from Yami's squad. Only he can have weirdos like this '

Julian was enjoying this battle. He didn't have the problem of holding back. In most of the previous battles, he had to ensure that the people around him don't get hurt during his attacks but this he could destroy as much he could.

This was a good opportunity to test close combat so he leaped near her with [ advanced reinforcement magic ] on his [ kagune ] and body and went for a punch. Julian wanted to feel what the grandmaster of [ reinforcement magic ] felt like in terms of power.

" Ho ! you dare to fight me close combat! I will show you what true close combat is !!! ".

This was a good opportunity for Julian to enhance his Ki and mana zone. The punch he made was easily blocked. His [ kagune ] turned into a sword and slashed towards her, Lion's paw-like structure formed behind her which destroyed the [ Hague ]. His Sharingan continuously rotated watching all her movements.

Lances of red flames emerged from the ground towards Mereleona which was destroyed with a fire-charged kick but another sharp thorn emerged from the ground tearing through her reinforcement mana and stabbing into her leg. She didn't show any reaction to this and crushed the thorn and went for another clash which Julian responded accordingly.


Julian tried every possible combo he knew starting from punches, kicks, using [ kagune ] for more flexibility, and attacking tools, and clashed against the monster of a woman that was standing near her. The power behind her punches and kicks was something that he had never come across. Her speed was many times larger than Yami but her attacks were blunt, unlike Yami's.

Julian's entire focus and instincts were in the fight if not he would suffer from a devastating injury that would take a long time to heal. Mereoleona was not holding back and trying to see how far can she push him back.

Mereoleona was very impressed by his physical strength and combat power. From the initial confrontation, she guessed that he would be like someone that only depended on long-range spells and avoid direct combat but the physical strength and advanced reinforcement magic were beyond her expectation.

Julian kicked Mereoleona away from him and used one of his strongest spells.

[ Mana zone: eruption wave ]

Because of the environment lava burst out with Red flames enveloping Mereoleona.

He moved back and all the tentacles of [ kagune ] concentrated in front of him and formed a rotating orb of mass destruction and threw towards her like a cannon bold.

[ Dark flame magic: orb of chaos ]

Julian saw a giant fist of fire bigger than his fire fist crash into the orb and create a gigantic explosion forming a short mushroom cloud of smoke. '

The smoke cleared and appeared and the figure of Mereoleona appeared whose left side clothing was tattered. She was clutching her left hand which was broken. Julian could also see that she had broken a few ribs.

" Impressive ! that was one of the strongest spells I had seen so far. I had to completely focus on my mana zone or I would have lost my left side

I think it's my turn to attack now!


Mana burst out from her and blended with the environment. Within a second grandmaster reinforcement magic and a spell covered her arm fixing it in place.

This was one of her spells that completely ignores the damage caused to a bone and takes it to a stronger form temporarily.

Mereoleona shot towards Julian stepping on air with mana zone. Until now she only defended and used medium to high power attacks but now she was dead serious. He reinforced every part of his body again and formed daggers in the tip of [Kagune] again to face her.

Julian's entire vision got filled with thousands of fists each containing devastating power.

[Mana zone: Calidus Brachium Purgatory Barriage]

'This is insane' Julian thought as he looked at the attacks


Ear deafening explosions rang out as Julian faced Mereoleona's onslaught. Her law of flames was heightened to a degree that they stopped the effect of Julian's red flames.

This time all her flames not only destroyed but also attacked him. He increased his vigilance to the max and attacked with all his might. He could feel his bones cracking from the force behind her attacks but this was not enough to stop Julian. He increased his power output to the maximum limit and used a combination of all his strongest spells.

During the entire fight, he had a Phoenix robe on, or else he would have lost till now due to his injuries. To heal the devastating damage Julian took in this battle pushed his phoenix robe to a new degree of healing power.

"Let's end this now !! we shall fight again if you survive " Mereoleona shouted

Mereoleona pushed her mana zone to the top and used her strongest move

[mana zone: Purgatory Abyss ]

The orange mana turned blue as the temperature increased to a degree that it completely suppressed Julian's flames. He applied multiple layers of shields while using a spell that he just developed in the fight against the upcoming wave of blue flames.

'Here goes nothing '

[Mana zone: Orb of utter chaos ]

The Kagune on his back created a giant orb of chaos that was 5 times the size of the normal one powered by mana zone.

The two attacks collided and everything went white.

The clash between the two attacks caused such destruction that everything about 500m was turned to ashes. Even the Volcano near them was destroyed.

Within the giant Crater, the bloodied figure of Julian lay with his arms and legs chartered black. Both of his arms were bent unnaturally.

Julian had lost all strength and coughed a large amount of blood before sitting but couldn't stand up.

Tap Tap!

Mereoleona approached Julian. Her condition was not as bad as Julian's but still bad. Her clothes were almost gone but enough to cover important parts. Her left arm and leg were broken along with a large injury on her stomach and ribs.

" That was an amazing fight !!

Seems like I underestimated you. You should be glad that you are still alive. I will be staying near the other side of the Volcano, I don't mind giving you some tips in mana zone" said Mereoleona and went away after dropping a bottle of elixir on Julian to fasten the healing process.

"Don't worry about me, I have a healing spell to make me return normal by tomorrow "


"This woman was going to kill me! who uses such a deadly spell against a comrade. If not for my last attack I would have died" cursed Julian as the phoenix robe started healing his injuries.

"My body should return to prime in two to three days as I can feel my healing spell has gotten a lot stronger"

"Though I got beaten up, it was fun. Every fight was beneficial for me as my mastery and understanding of spells increased. I copied some new moves too which would help me in close combat and most importantly my mastery over mana zone increased a lot"

'Well, I don't think I am moving for the next few hours ' thought Julian as he closed his eyes.

Secre who was very far from the fight came back and sat on sleeping Julian's chest. It's not a normal thing for her to see Julian laying down in such conditions. She had seen how much Julian abuses his body while training as he was healing magic. At first, she got worried and panicked but got used to it as time went on.

A little far from Julian, Mereoleona dropped her tired body. She chugged down 5 to 6 bottles of elixirs and cast a healing spell. Unlike the phoenix robe that can be used in battle, her healing spell cannot be used in battle. This spell is a powerful healing spell but will make her immobile till all her injuries are healed.

"Damn this guy is strong. I never expected a boy of his age to pull out such strong moves ..

He is strong enough to face a captain …sensei raised another monster "