Second Dungeon Dive 

I spent the next two weeks training and getting my bones broken on a daily basis. During this time my control over the mana zone and close combat improved by leaps and bounds. Sure enough, the best way to improve was by going through near-death battles.

My healing magic improved to a limit that I can heal myself from a near-death state within a day. As Kirin had said the regeneration of the phoenix was not to be underestimated.

I had to appreciate Mereoleona's power. She took flame magic which is not so special to overwhelming power. She once used mana pressure during our fight and mine but the result was not as bad when I fought with Yami. Mine was at advanced rank, her's was at master rank while Yami's was at grandmaster rank so the difference was justifiable.

We had become good buddies due to all the battles. She even shared her drink with me. She had decided to spend a few more months before returning to the capital.

I returned to the base and told Yami about Mereoleona. He was surprised that I returned alive after fighting her.

"She is the last person I would like to fight " he commented.

After discussing with him I learned that my and Yami's mana zone mastery was around the same. One of the most important requirements of the mana zone was a high amount of mana. Yami had mana around the level of nobles so he faced difficulty in mastering it. I decided to share some of my experience with mana zone and techniques with Yami that I picked up from Mereoleona.

During this time my skill improved a lot. These were my current stats


: Stats :



RACE: HUMAN (awakened)

CORE: light Yellow




SPELLS: Flame claws, Phoenix robe, Dawn, Blazing shield, Phoenix missile, Flaming fist, The eruption, Arow of destiny, Flame burst, Great fire Annihilation, Flame breath, Flame hurricane, Flair wings, Kagune, an orb of chaos, etc

ITEMS: Daggers, 4 leaf grimoire.

SPECIAL ABILITIES – MIND SPACE, SHARINGAN.( 2 tomoe): read attacks, see through illusions, minor mind control, etc



I noticed that cracks had started forming in my mana core indicating that the silver core was near. Every upgrade in mana core gave massive upgrades to my powers so I had some expectations for the silver core. Move over my mana has crossed the level of average royalty by a lot.

A few days later while I was reading a book in the living room Magna came with a new mission.

There was a new dungeon discovered near the border of Heart Kingdom, they don't want to get in conflict with other nations for the ownership of the dungeon as it is discovered in the grand magic zone which doesn't belong to anyone. They have gotten into an agreement for sharing the tressure 40-60 with Clover getting 40 %. The Heart Kingdom has sent a request to send 2 mages as most of the dungeons in that region provide rewards to nature-type magic users. So from the fire type, I was selected by the wizard king. The dungeon was spotted in the middle of the ocean so we either have to fly or take a boat. Due to the ocean coming under the grand magic zone flying there is very difficult but I will have no problem with that.

Finral dropped me at the capital from there I went to the magic Knight HQ. There I met with a familiar face, It was Randall the vice captain of Crimson Lions. I met him two times after the trip with Leopold. We talked for a while till the arrangements were made.

From there another spatial we had were teleported to the cost by another portal.


The weather near the coast was terrible so all the people were evacuated, along with the drop in temperature, and tall waves the sky was dark with occasional lightning. Randall covered his body in a sphere of wind while I created wings to fly.

The more we flew the more the weather got worse, the sea was turbulent. After a while a giant tornado of water came in front of him, it originates from the ocean reaching the sky. Outside the tornado were 4 mages from the Heart kingdom with one of them having storage-type spatial magic. Based on the aura of the dungeon it is a natural dungeon.

A black spiky-haired man with a scar on his face came forward. " I am Gadjah, the lightning spirit guardian from Heat kingdom and the commander of the mission. It's a pleasure working with you "

We all returned the greeting and waited for further actions.

I didn't know much about Heart kingdom but from what I heard Spirit guardians are equivalent to magic knight captains. Although I can't use natural mana before converting it, I can sense natural mana. This man in front of me has nearly become one with nature. The danger level I get from him is similar to a captain.

One mage of the Heart Kingdom came towards the tornado and moved his hand forward, around his hand mana condensed and words started forming. The words became a sentence and flew from his hands towards the giant tornado. As soon as the words touched the tornado, a passage was created for us to pass. The inside of the passage looked like a spatial passage.

What the hell is that! It felt as if nature was twisted by his command. Is this the secret technique of the Heart kingdom? I copied the technique with Sharingan and tried doing the same but it failed before the formation of a word. Gadjah saw me fail and said, " This technique cannot be copied just by seeing so stop trying ." Hearing this I stopped doing it. That thing caught my interest but not so much to start working on it, I already had a lot of things to learn from the Clover kingdom techniques.

All of us one by one entered the passage. As soon as I stepped inside the passage my vision was filled with darkness. As the darkness cleared what unfolded in front of me could be said as a ruined ancient civilization. There were tall ruined structures with designs never seen before. The entire place was divided into several floating landmasses below which looked like a void. At the center lay a tall tower from which came a white light illuminating the entire surrounding. Everyone watched the scene with Awe. I looked back and found that the spatial passage was still there.

"The city of Enkanomiya, " said Gadjah softly.

" Do you know about it? " I asked

"In our kingdom, there is a fable that thousands of years ago there was a kingdom where lived angels with power enough to turn an entire kingdom to ashes, the place where they lived was called Enkanomiya. There is not much said about the city except some structures that exactly matches what we are seeing in front of us. It was said that the city was present underwater and had endless treasures. Many people went in search of the city and returned empty-handed that is why it was not many people know about it now ." said one Heart mage.

Randall looked around and said " there is spatial magic everywhere which leads to somewhere unknown so it's better we stick together. "

Everyone agreed with the decision as not even a single dungeon can be underestimated moreover something like an ancient city.